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Dr. Kirsten Koehler Faculty Research

Within Baltimore Variability in Pollution

Dr. Koehler is interested in elucidating the role of energy-related factors (i.e., transportation, power generation, and characteristics of the built environment) in the observed heterogeneity in regional air quality and personal exposure to air pollutants. Planned energy transitions in Baltimore including the decommissioning of two coal-fired power plants and anticipated changes in maritime traffic, port activities, and increase rail transport and truck transportation offer a unique opportunity to measure real-world changes in air pollutant concentrations and how they impact personal exposures to air pollutants. She is an investigator on a study through the newly established is external), a collaboration between Johns Hopkins and Yale Universities. 

  • As a part of the study, Koehler's team is working with Dr. Drew Gentner at Yale to develop and deploy a novel stationary and personal multipollutant monitors (including EPA-regulated air pollutants and greenhouse gases) that measure concentrations at high temporal resolution. The project will use multipollutant wireless monitors in a high-resolution fixed network (50+ sites) to evaluate the spatial variability of concentrations in the city and to evaluate the impact of energy decisions on those concentrations.
  • Secondly, they will deploy the monitors as personal samplers to see how personal energy decisions, like commuting patterns, impact personal exposures.
  • The goal of this study is to evaluate the human health and environmental impacts of current and future energy options with innovative approaches to enhance assessment of human exposures.
