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Showing 21 - 40 of 49 results
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Name Title Overview
Ximin Li Senior Research Associate
Martin Lindquist Professor

Martin Lindquist, MSc, PhD, works on mathematical and statistical problems relating to neuroimaging with a particular focus on functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) data.

Thomas Louis Professor - Emeritus

Thomas A. Louis, PhD, collaborates on biomedical studies and surveys using the Bayesian framework as an aid to navigation.

John McGready Teaching Professor

John McGready, PhD '08, ScM, shares the joy, importance, and utility of biostatistics with students, and works closely with faculty and clinicians on public-health research.

John Muschelli Associate Research Professor

John Muschelli, PhD '16, ScM '10, studies how biostatistics and data science can use neuroimaging and accelerometry data to improve clinical practice.

Akihiko Nishimura Assistant Professor

Aki Nishimura, PhD, MS, uses Bayesian methods and statistical computing to tackle methodological challenges in healthcare analytics and large-scale biomedical applications.

Daniel Obeng Associate
Elizabeth Ogburn Associate Professor

Betsy Ogburn, PhD, MS, develops methods for causal inference with complex data, including social network data and data with unmeasured confounding or interference.

Chathurangi Pathiravasan Assistant Scientist
Roger Peng Professor

Roger Peng, PhD, MS, develops data science and machine learning approaches to studying how the indoor and outdoor environment affects human health.

Michael Rosenblum Professor

Michael Rosenblum, PhD, MS, develops innovative clinical trial designs and open-source software to efficiently learn which treatments work best for which populations.

Ingo Ruczinski Professor
Ahmed Sabit Research Associate
Patrick Sadil Research Associate
Ziling Shen Research Associate
Elizabeth Stuart Professor

Elizabeth Stuart, PhD, uses statistical methods to help learn about the effects of public health programs and policies, often with a focus on mental health and substance use.

Elizabeth Sugar Research Professor
Margaret Taub Associate Scientist

Margaret Taub, PhD, works collaboratively with clinicians and epidemiologists to use genetic and genomic data to understand the causes of complex diseases.

Carol Thompson Associate Scientist
Richard Thompson Senior Scientist