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Continuing Education Student Services

For-Credit Courses for Non-Degree Seeking Students

Below you will find enrollment and registration information for non-degree seeking students. Learn about non-degree courses and options available here.

How to apply as a Special Student Limited (non-degree, for academic credit, limited to 16 credits or less)

To apply for regular-term on-campus courses(link is external), online courses (link is external)or Institutes(link is external) as a Special Student Limited (SSL):

  • New and returning students who do not have a JHED logon ID must submit a new application. You will receive a JHED logon ID within 72 hours.
  • Returning students who already have a JHED logon ID can log in and apply via the Student Information System (SIS) directly.

New international students who do not have a U.S. government issued Social Security Number (SSN) will be assigned a “988” number to be used in place of an SSN. This number is required to create your JHED logon ID. You will be notified of your 988 number via email after your application is submitted. This number is only valid within Johns Hopkins University.

SSLs must enroll in desired class(es) within 60 days of completing your online application. If enrollment is not completed within the allotted time frame you will not be permitted to access SIS. You will be required to email Continuing Education Student Services at to gain access to SIS. Your access to SIS will be restored 2 hours following update made by Continuing Education Student Services.

Enrolling for regular term courses for-credit, non-degree

Your BSPH SSL record will be created within 72 hours after you receive your BSPH welcome email.

Instructor's Permission: Obtain permission to register by sending an email to the instructor and requesting permission to take the course. You may be asked to provide brief background information, such as education history and purpose for taking the course. You are not required to provide official transcripts, but it is best to include a brief synopsis in your initial email to the instructor. Once you are granted permission from the instructor and your SSL record has been created, upload that email to SEAM’s online form (under topic ‘Add/Drop inquiry or change grading system’). You can find the instructor’s email address along with course information in the course catalog(link is external).

Registration: SSLs cannot self-register for regular academic term enrollments. Once instructor permission has been received, Student Accounts using SEAM’s online form will process your registration.

Payment: Payment for tuition and fees must be made prior to the first day of the term. New students will receive instructions for logging in to our student system and making an online payment. Payments for tuition not received by the first day of the term will result in a dropped enrollment. Late re-registrations will be charged a $100 late registration fee. Registrations during the add/drop period require payment in full, including a $100 late registration fee. Please check the academic calendar(link is external) for registration deadlines.

If you are a JHU employee participating in the JHU tuition remission benefit plan, please note the following:

  • Eligible faculty, staff and bargaining unit members:
    • Should submit an initial application through our employee tuition platform, EdAssist(link is external).
    •  Remission will now cover some required fees, go the JHU Benefits site for more info
    •  Submit the Bright Horizons EdAssist Application Payment Processed email to Student Accounts using SEAM’s online form for payment processing.
    • Need an invoice to submit to Bright Horizons/EdAssist? Just login to SIS self-service and view/print your monthly statement(s) that contain the course info you need. Multiple statements can be submitted to Bright Horizons.
  • Eligible Spouse, Domestic Partner, Dependent Children and Retirees:
    • Should go to the JHU Benefits site to find the appropriate JHU tuition remission application.
    • Should submit the JHU tuition remission benefit application to Student Accounts using SEAM’s online form for payment processing.
  • Remission applications will not be accepted after December 15th for courses taken during the current calendar year
  •  If the remission does not cover the entire cost of tuition, you are required to pay the remaining balance at the time of registration.
  •  Allow 7-10 days from submission to SEAM for your remission to reflect on your student account
  •  Please note that students are financially responsible for dropped courses paid for with tuition remission. Students receiving tuition remission benefits from JHU should read the contract carefully, as you must complete the class to retain benefits.
  •  Contact the Benefits Service Center at 410-516-2000 or<> to address any additional questions.

If you are planning on registering for an online course, you must first complete Introduction to Online Learning (IOL). This course is free of charge and must be completed prior to registration in an online course.

All new students registering for academic credit will automatically be enrolled in Academic & Research Ethics(link is external), a zero-credit, zero-cost required course.

Enrolling for Institute courses for-credit, non-degree

Instructor permission is not required to register for Institute courses. Payment in full is required in order for your enrollment to be confirmed. SSLs can register for Institute courses in SIS.

However, if you are applying to the H.E.L.P Summer Institute, your application must be approved by the Institute before you will be allowed to register for courses.


What is a "Special Student Limited?"

A Special Student Limited is a non-degree seeking student who wants to earn academic credit. These students can earn up to 16 units of credit (including non-Institute coursework). Instructor consent is required for regular 8-week term courses but is not required for Institute courses.

This designation is important because administrative procedures and tuition are different for credit vs. non-credit seeking students.

How do I apply as a non degree-seeking student?

New and returning students who do not have a JHED logon ID must submit a new application.

Returning students who already have a JHED logon ID can log in and apply via SIS directly.

I forgot my JHED logon ID username and password. What do I do?

Get sign in help here.

Why do I have multiple records in SIS?

A student registering as a Special Student Limited may have two student instances and thus multiple records in SIS. It’s important to select the appropriate record. To register as a Special Student Limited, the student record to select is labeled "Public Health/SS-LTD."

I’m a School of Medicine Post-Doc. Can I take Institute courses at the Bloomberg School?

Yes. Johns Hopkins School of Medicine postdoctoral students must enroll as Special Students Limited to take Institute courses for academic credit. Vouchers for payment must be obtained at the School of Medicine Registrar’s Office. The School of Medicine will pay up to the non-credit rate for courses taken for academic credit. The remaining balance is the responsibility of the student.

What's the difference between the Summer Institute and the summer term?

Summer Institute programs(link is external) are offered from May through August by several academic departments within the Bloomberg School. For some Institutes, no application requirements are needed, while other Institutes require approval before enrollment is granted. Institute courses may be taken for credit or non-credit.

Our regular 8-week summer term is part of our five-term academic year. All regular term courses must be taken for credit.

If I want to take two different Summer Institutes, do I need to submit two applications?

No. Once your SIS record has been created, you can register for any of the Summer Institute courses. However, some Institutes do have admission requirements which require approval to register.

What is the cost to audit a course?

The cost to audit a course is the same as registering for a letter grade or pass/fail, and the fee is based on the number of the course’s academic credits. The course must be offered for audit, and instructor permission must be granted in order to audit the course.

Are all courses available for-credit and not-for-credit?

No, only certain Institute courses and training programs are available for non-credit. Regular term classes must be taken for credit.

Can I apply for financial aid to pay for Summer Institutes?

Typically, financial aid is available only for students enrolled in a degree program. However, there may be some exceptions. Please contact the Financial Aid Office(link is external).

How do I drop a course?

Once enrolled, new and continuing Special Students Limited registered for Institute courses can access their records and drop courses via SIS. SSLs registered for regular term enrollments need to submit a request to drop to CESS.