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Showing 41 - 49 of 49 results
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Name Title Overview
James Tonascia Professor
Jiangxia Wang Associate Scientist

Jiangxia Wang, MA, MS, teaches and provides statistical consulting to advance research in public health and medicine with a focus on studies in neurology and ophthalmology.

Mei-Cheng Wang Professor

Mei-Cheng Wang, PhD, develops analytical methods for time-to-event data, recurrent events, and recurrent marker processes, with applications for follow-up and longitudinal studies.

Erik Westlund Assistant Scientist

Erik Westlund, PhD, is a data scientist, statistical engineer, and sociologist who works with researchers to design and execute research studies using complex data sets and data sources.

Gayane Yenokyan Senior Scientist

Gayane Yenokyan, MD, PhD '09, MHS '09, MPH, is a consulting statistician leading the Biostatistics Center and co-directing the JH ICTR Biostatistics Program.

Scott Zeger Professor

Scott L. Zeger, PhD co-directs the Hopkins inHealth program, a university-wide collaboration to use medical data more intelligently to improve health outcomes and lower costs.

Ni Zhao Associate Professor

Ni Zhao, MS, MD, PhD, develops statistical and computational methodologies for analyzing large scale "omics" data generated from high throughput technologies, including metagenomics, genomics, and others.

Weiqiang Zhou Associate Scientist

Weiqiang Zhou, PhD, develops statistical and computational tools for integrative analysis of large-scale genomic data to study gene regulation in cancer and immune system.

Vadim Zipunnikov Associate Professor