School Data
BCPS School Records Item Level Data
Data file =
See CHILD codebook for additional information and available data.
Suspension and disciplinary removal (DR) data has been collected from the Baltimore City and Baltimore County school systems for the duration of the study. The first suspensions/DR were in year 4 (1997).
There is a suspension count variable for each year that captures the number of suspensions/DR in Baltimore City or Baltimore County for that case during that particular year. This variable name is spcn3#1 with the # representing the year of the study.
There is also a cumulative total for each year that sums up the number of suspensions/DR in Baltimore City or Baltimore County for that case. The variable name is spto3#1 with the # representing the year of the study.
For Baltimore City, there are variables for each suspension/DR occurrence. They are: a description of the offense, the date of the offense and the number of days out of school because of the offense. The variable names are spdes#%%, spdat#%% and spout#%% with # representing the year of the study and %% representing the occurrence number. For example, spdes610 would be the description of occurrence number 10 in year 6.
Baltimore County only has two variables and they are REASON and DAYS_LOS. These variables map on to the description and days out variables from Baltimore City. There is not a date of offense for these cases. These variables are kept separate for clarity, but can be combined.
BCPS Pupil Information |
Year 4 |
Year 5 |
Year 6 |
Year 7 |
1997 S | 1998 S | 1999 S | 2000 S | |
Suspension Count for year |
Spcn341 |
Spcn351 |
Spcn361 |
Spcn371 |
Cumulative Suspension Count |
Spto341 |
Spto351 |
Spto361 |
Spto371 |
Baltimore County Description |
Reason |
Baltimore County Days Lost |
Days_los |
Baltimore City Description Occurrence 1 |
Spdes401 |
Spdes501 |
Spdes601 |
Spdes701 |
Baltimore City Description Occurrence 2 |
Spdes402 |
Spdes502 |
Spdes602 |
Spdes702 |
Baltimore City Description Occurrence 3 |
Spdes403 |
Spdes503 |
Spdes603 |
Spdes703 |
Baltimore City Description Occurrence 4 |
Spdes404 |
Spdes504 |
Spdes604 |
Spdes704 |
Baltimore City Description Occurrence 5 |
Spdes405 |
Spdes505 |
Spdes605 |
Spdes705 |
Baltimore City Description Occurrence 6 |
Spdes406 |
Spdes506 |
Spdes606 |
Spdes706 |
Baltimore City Description Occurrence 7 |
Spdes407 |
Spdes507 |
Spdes607 |
Spdes707 |
Baltimore City Description Occurrence 8 |
Spdes408 |
Spdes508 |
Spdes608 |
Spdes708 |
Baltimore City Description Occurrence 9 |
Spdes409 |
Spdes509 |
Spdes609 |
Spdes709 |
Baltimore City Description Occurrence 10 |
Spdes410 |
Spdes510 |
Spdes610 |
Spdes710 |
Baltimore City Description Occurrence 11 |
Spdes411 |
Spdes511 |
Spdes611 |
Spdes711 |
Baltimore City Description Occurrence 12 |
Spdes412 |
Spdes512 |
Spdes612 |
Spdes712 |
Baltimore City Date Occurrence 1 |
Spdat401 |
Spdat501 |
Spdat601 |
Spdat701 |
Baltimore City Date Occurrence 2 |
Spdat402 |
Spdat502 |
Spdat602 |
Spdat702 |
Baltimore City Date Occurrence 3 |
Spdat403 |
Spdat503 |
Spdat603 |
Spdat703 |
Baltimore City Date Occurrence 4 |
Spdat404 |
Spdat504 |
Spdat604 |
Spdat704 |
Baltimore City Date Occurrence 5 |
Spdat405 |
Spdat505 |
Spdat605 |
Spdat705 |
Baltimore City Date Occurrence 6 |
Spdat406 |
Spdat506 |
Spdat606 |
Spdat706 |
Baltimore City Date Occurrence 7 |
Spdat407 |
Spdat507 |
Spdat607 |
Spdat707 |
Baltimore City Date Occurrence 8 |
Spdat408 |
Spdat508 |
Spdat608 |
Spdat708 |
Baltimore City Date Occurrence 9 |
Spdat409 |
Spdat509 |
Spdat609 |
Spdat709 |
Baltimore City Date Occurrence 10 |
Spdat410 |
Spdat510 |
Spdat610 |
Spdat710 |
Baltimore City Date Occurrence 11 |
Spdat411 |
Spdat511 |
Spdat611 |
Spdat711 |
Baltimore City Date Occurrence 12 |
Spdat412 |
Spdat512 |
Spdat612 |
Spdat712 |
Baltimore City Days out Occurrence 1 |
Spout401 |
Spout501 |
Spout601 |
Spout701 |
Baltimore City Days out Occurrence 2 |
Spout402 |
Spout502 |
Spout602 |
Spout702 |
Baltimore City Days out Occurrence 3 |
Spout403 |
Spout503 |
Spout603 |
Spout703 |
Baltimore City Days out Occurrence 4 |
Spout404 |
Spout504 |
Spout604 |
Spout704 |
Baltimore City Days out Occurrence 5 |
Spout405 |
Spout505 |
Spout605 |
Spout705 |
Baltimore City Days out Occurrence 6 |
Spout406 |
Spout506 |
Spout606 |
Spout706 |
Baltimore City Days out Occurrence 7 |
Spout407 |
Spout507 |
Spout607 |
Spout707 |
Baltimore City Days out Occurrence 8 |
Spout408 |
Spout508 |
Spout608 |
Spout708 |
Baltimore City Days out Occurrence 9 |
Spout409 |
Spout509 |
Spout609 |
Spout709 |
Baltimore City Days out Occurrence 10 |
Spout410 |
Spout510 |
Spout610 |
Spout710 |
Baltimore City Days out Occurrence 11 |
Spout411 |
Spout511 |
Spout611 |
Spout711 |
Baltimore City Days out Occurrence 12 |
Spout412 |
Spout512 |
Spout612 |
Spout712 |
Note: No suspension/disciplinary removals until year 4 according to BCPS