Variable Name |
Variable Description |
P1I1 |
Total number of persons in tract - 1990 |
P2I1 |
Total number of families in tract - 1990 |
P3I1 |
Total number of households in tract - 1990 |
P8I1 |
Total number of persons of hispanic origin within tract - 1990 |
P15I8 |
In nonfamily hsehlds:Householder living alone within tract - 1990 |
P15I9 |
Householder not living alone within tract - 1990 |
P15I10 |
Number of householder:Nonrelatives within tract - 1990 |
P15I11 |
In group quarters population :Institnlized persons within tract - 1990 |
P15I12 |
Other persons in group quarters population within tract - 1990 |
P16I1 |
Non-Family household:1 person:Male householder within tract - 1990 |
P16I2 |
Non-Family household:1 person:Female householder within tract - 1990 |
P16I3 |
2+persns:Fam hsehlds:Mard Coupls:Chldrn within tract - 1990 |
P16I4 |
2+persns:Fam hsehlds:Mard Coupls:No related children within tract - 1990 |
P16I5 |
Other family:Male householder,no wife present within tract - 1990 |
P16I6 |
Other family:Male householder, oo related children within tract - 1990 |
P16I7 |
Other family:Female housholder, no husband present within tract - 1990 |
P16I8 |
Other family:Female housholder, no related children within tract - 1990 |
P17I1 |
Number of persons in families within tract - 1990 |
P17AI1 |
Families:PERSONS PER FAMILY within tract - 1990 |
H1I1 |
HOUSING UNITS within tract - 1990 |
H2I1 |
HOUSING UNITS Occupied within tract - 1990 |
H2I2 |
HOUSING UNITS Vacant within tract - 1990 |
H3I1 |
Owner occupied within tract - 1990 |
H3I2 |
Renter occupied within tract - 1990 |
H9I1 |
Owner occupied:White within tract - 1990 |
H9I2 |
Owner occupied:Black within tract - 1990 |
H9I3 |
Owner occupied:AmIndian,Esk,Aleut within tract - 1990 |
H9I4 |
Owner occupied:Asian or Pacfc Islndr within tract - 1990 |
H9I5 |
Owner occupied:Other race within tract - 1990 |
H9I6 |
Renter occupied:White within tract - 1990 |
H9I7 |
Renter occupied:Black within tract - 1990 |
H9I8 |
Renter occupied:AmIndian,Esk,Aleut within tract - 1990 |
H9I9 |
Renter occupied:Asian or Pacfc Islndr within tract - 1990 |
H9I10 |
Renter occupied:Other race within tract - 1990 |
H23BI1 |
Median value of owner occ hsng units within tract - 1990 |
H32BI1 |
Median Contract Rent within tract - 1990 |
AGE_0 |
Age Under 1 Year within tract - 1990 |
AGE1_4 |
Age 1 to 4 Years within tract - 1990 |
AGE5_9 |
Age 5 to 9 Years within tract - 1990 |
AGE10_14 |
Age 10 to 14 Years within tract - 1990 |
AGE15_19 |
Age 15 to 19 Years within tract - 1990 |
AGE20_24 |
Age 20 to 24 Years within tract - 1990 |
AGE25_34 |
Age 25 to 34 Years within tract - 1990 |
AGE35_44 |
Age 35 to 44 Years within tract - 1990 |
AGE45_54 |
Age 45 to 54 Years within tract - 1990 |
AGE55_64 |
Age 55 to 64 Years within tract - 1990 |
AGE65_74 |
Age 65 to 74 Years within tract - 1990 |
AGE75_84 |
Age 75 to 84 Years within tract - 1990 |
Age 85 and Over within tract - 1990 |
POP_80 |
Population in 1980 |
WHITE_80 |
White population in 1980 |
BLACK_80 |
Black population in 1980 |
NATAM_80 |
Native Amer population in 1980 |
ASIAN_80 |
Asian population in 1980 |
OTHER_80 |
Other Race population in 1980 |
POP_90 |
Pop population in 1990 |
WHITE_90 |
White population in 1990 |
BLACK_90 |
Black population in 1990 |
NATAM_90 |
Native Amer population in 1990 |
ASIAN_90 |
Asian population in 1990 |
OTHER_90 |
Other Race population in 1990 |
VIOLS_90 |
Housing Violation Notices Issued within tract - 1990 |
Section 8 Housing Units within tract - 1990 |
Single Family Homes Sold within tract - 1990 |
Average Sale Price - Single Family Dwelling within tract - 1990 |
Abandonded Houses within tract - 1990 |
Dwelling Units Razed within tract - 1990 |
Births to Mothers Age 17 and Under within tract - 1990 |
Births Receiving No Prenatal Care within tract - 1990 |
Births Under 55 Pounds within tract - 1990 |
Live Births within tract - 1990 |
Live Births - White within tract - 1990 |
Live Births - Black within tract - 1990 |
Live Births - Other Race within tract - 1990 |
Cause of Death: Cancer within tract - 1990 |
Cause of Death: Heart and Stroke within tract - 1990 |
Cause of Death: Accident within tract - 1990 |
Cause of Death: Suicide within tract - 1990 |
Cause of Death: Homicide & Legal Intervention within tract - 1990 |
Total number of deaths within tract - 1990 |
VD88_89 |
VD Cases 1988-89 within tract - 1990 |
Total number of Crimes within tract - 1990 |
Homicide within tract - 1990 |
Burglary within tract - 1990 |
Auto Theft within tract - 1990 |
Arson within tract - 1990 |
Rape within tract - 1990 |
Robbery - Armed within tract - 1990 |
Robbery - Unarmed within tract - 1990 |
Aggravated Assault within tract - 1990 |
Larceny - Theft within tract - 1990 |
Purse Snatch within tract - 1990 |
PCWHT_80 |
Percent White 1980 |
PCBLK_80 |
Percent Black 1980 |
PCNAT_80 |
Percent Native American 1980 |
PCASI_80 |
Percent Asian 1980 |
PCOTH_80 |
Percent Other Race 1980 |
PCWHT_90 |
Percent White 1990 |
PCBLK_90 |
Percent Black 1990 |
PCNAT_90 |
Percent Native American 1990 |
PCASI_90 |
Percent Asian 1990 |
PCOTH_90 |
Percent Other Race 1990 |
PCAG_0 |
Percent Age Under 1 Year within tract - 1990 |
PCAG1_4 |
Percent Age 1 to 4 Years within tract - 1990 |
PCAG5_9 |
Percent Age 5 to 9 Years within tract - 1990 |
PCAG1014 |
Percent Age 10 to 14 Years within tract - 1990 |
PCAG1519 |
Percent Age 15 to 19 Years within tract - 1990 |
PCAG2024 |
Percent Age 20 to 24 Years within tract - 1990 |
PCAG2534 |
Percent Age 25 to 34 Years within tract - 1990 |
PCAG3544 |
Percent Age 35 to 44 Years within tract - 1990 |
PCAG4554 |
Percent Age 45 to 54 Years within tract - 1990 |
PCAG5564 |
Percent Age 55 to 64 Years within tract - 1990 |
PCAG6574 |
Percent Age 65 to 74 Years within tract - 1990 |
PCAG7584 |
Percent Age 75 to 84 Years within tract - 1990 |
Percent Age 85 and Over within tract - 1990 |
HISP_90 |
Hispanics within tract - 1990 |
PCHSP_90 |
Percent Hispanic within tract - 1990 |
Average Sale Price -Multi Family Dwelling within tract - 1990 |
Multifamily Housing Structures Sold within tract - 1990 |
Average Number of Absences in School Year within tract - 1990 |
Average Math Test Score - Normal Curve Equivalent within tract - 1990 |
Average Reading Test Score - Normal Curve Equivalent within tract - 1990 |
Enrolled in City Schools within tract - 1990 |
Percent Public School Students Promoted within tract - 1990 |
City Schools Average Daily Attendance within tract - 1990 |
Graduates of City High Schools within tract - 1990 |
DTH0_4 |
Deaths Age 0 to 4 within tract - 1990 |
DTH0_24 |
Deaths Age 0 to 24 within tract - 1990 |
Cause of Death: Other within tract - 1990 |
Households Receiving AFDC within tract - 1990 |
Households Receiving GPA within tract - 1990 |
PA Households Receiving Food Stamps within tract - 1990 |
Non-PA Households Receiving Food Stamps within tract - 1990 |
Persons Enrolled in Medicaid within tract - 1990 |
Total Households Receiving Public Asst within tract - 1990 |
Total Households Receiving Food Stamps within tract - 1990 |
INCOM_90 |
Median Household Income within tract - 1990 |
TRACT_80 |
Census tract in 1980 |
TRACT_90 |
Census tract in 1990 |
YEAR* | Year of address used for Census |
*The year of the address can be used in association with the Census Tract information. Using this combination of variables allows the user to tell the difference between a kid who lived in tract 1001 in 1990-91 and one who lived there in 1992-93. For more information on these variables, please email Scott Hubbard.