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Our faculty are dedicated to research and training that advance scientific understanding of behaviors related to health and how to influence them and improve health outcomes.

The Department of Health, Behavior and Society is also fortunate to have distinguished part-time faculty, including leaders in behavioral and social sciences and public health. These faculty teach courses, serve as preceptors, and guide students seeking career counseling.

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Showing 41 - 58 of 58 results
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Michelle Kaufman Associate Professor

Michelle Kaufman, PhD, MA, designs, implements, and evaluates technology-driven interventions to reduce health disparities and promote wellness among vulnerable populations.

Mindi Levin Associate Practice Professor

Mindi Levin, MS, cultivates academic-community partnerships and uses service-learning pedagogy to promote health and social justice, with a special commitment to Baltimore.

Rajeev Cherukupalli Assistant Scientist

Rajeev Cherukupalli, PhD, MA, works in public finance, health, development, labor markets and policy evaluation, to harness better tax and policy design to improve health.

Rajiv Rimal Professor

Rajiv N. Rimal, PhD, MA, works globally on social and behavior change interventions with a focus on women and children’s nutrition and well-being. He adopts a social norms-based approach to address health inequities in low- and middle-income countries.

Roland Thorpe, Jr. Professor

Roland J. Thorpe, Jr., PhD, MS, is a gerontologist and social epidemiologist with nationally-recognized expertise in minority aging, men’s health, and place-based disparities.

Ronnie Goetzel Senior Scientist

Ron Goetzel, PhD, MA, studies the relationship between employee health and well-being, medical costs, and workplace productivity.

Ryan Kennedy Associate Professor

Ryan Kennedy, PhD, is a behavioral scientist who works to advance tobacco control policies in the U.S. and around the world.

Sara Benjamin Neelon Professor

Sara Benjamin-Neelon, PhD, JD, MPH, is an attorney and child nutritionist who examines early life predictors of obesity and other chronic diseases with a health equity lens.

Sean Allen Associate Professor

Sean Allen, DrPH, MPH, uses research to inform drug policies and eliminate health disparities among people who inject drugs.

Stella Babalola Professor

Stella Babalola, PhD, uses research to support the design and evaluation of social and behavior change interventions.

Stephen Tamplin Associate Scientist

Steve Tamplin, MSE, works with low/middle-income countries on leadership programs that enhance policy skills, focusing on reducing tobacco use and resolving related issues.

Susan Hannum Associate Research Professor

Susan Hannum, PhD, MA, is a gerontologist conducting research in cancer survivorship across the life course and chronic illnesses in later life.

Susan Sherman Professor

Susan Sherman, PhD '00, MPH, brings harm reduction evidence to inform drug policy and programming in order to reduce overdose deaths and other harms to people who use drugs.

Tahilin Karver Assistant Research Professor

Tahilin Sanchez Karver, PhD ‘21, MPH, employs social and behavioral theory and mixed-methods to research stigma, HIV prevention and treatment, and sexual and reproductive health to inform equitable, community-driven interventions.

Tuo-Yen Tseng Assistant Scientist
Tyler Derreth Assistant Teaching Professor

Tyler Derreth, PhD, researches critical pedagogy, equitable teaching and learning practices, and university-community partnerships to advance justice in education and communities.

Vanya Jones Associate Professor

Vanya Jones, PhD '06, MPH, a health education researcher, employs social and behavioral science methods to create, implement, and evaluate behavior change programs.

Vidhi Maniar Research Associate

Vidhi Maniar, MS ’11, MPH ’19 strives to promote equity and wellness through program development and research focusing on gender equity, non- communicable diseases, digital health and nutrition.