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Department of Health, Behavior and Society


We offer three master's programs and one PhD program focused on behavioral and societal impacts on public health, as well as postdoctoral training for new doctoral graduates. 

Undergraduate Johns Hopkins University students of all majors may also apply to our two combined bachelor's/master's programs.

Degree Programs


Master of Science in Public Health (MSPH) in Health Education and Health Communication

The MSPH in Health Education and Health Communication offers specialized formal academic training in health education, health promotion and health communication.

Master of Health Science (MHS) in Health, Behavior and Society

The MHS in Health, Behavior and Society is an advanced research degree for students with undergraduate exposure to social and behavioral sciences and/or public health who are interested in further training in the theory and methods in this area.

Master of Science (ScM) in Genetic Counseling

The ScM in Genetic Counseling is designed to prepare graduates to provide genetic counseling with an emphasis on clients’ psychological and educational needs.


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

The PhD in Social and Behavioral Sciences program is designed for individuals seeking training for careers as social and behavioral scientists, health educators, and health promotion or communication specialists in the public health arena.


Bachelor's/Master of Health Science (MHS) in Health, Behavior and Society

Bachelor's/Master of Science in Public Health (MSPH) in Health Education and Health Communication

Non-Degree Programs

Certificate Programs

For professionals seeking continuing education, our department sponsors several certificate programs that provide academic training to students seeking targeted education in a specific area of public health.

Certificates Available to Hopkins Students

Accelerated Learning Institutes

Health, Behavior and Society Summer Institute

The Health, Behavior and Society Summer Institute offers short, intensive courses that provide students with an understanding of behavioral and societal impacts on public health—and specific strategies to address the challenges they present. Students may take HBS Summer Institute courses for credit, or as non-credit courses at a reduced rate.

Postdoctoral Training 

The Department of Health, Behavior and Society offers postdoctoral training and mentoring in social and behavioral theories, research methodology, and public health practice that provides new doctoral graduates with the opportunity to earn valuable research experience working with our faculty.