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Department of Epidemiology


The Department of Epidemiology offers a variety of degree and non-degree programs to build and enhance the foundations of epidemiologic methods and research.

Degree Programs

The Department of Epidemiology offers one joint bachelor's/master's program, two master's level programs, and one doctoral level program. All Epidemiology degree programs require on-site attendance for the majority of the program. Students can choose from eight different tracks to focus their study and research.

Of special note, our programs are designated STEM programs. Click here to learn more.


Master of Health Science (MHS)

The Master of Health Science (MHS) degree is designed for students interested in gaining knowledge and training in Epidemiology who may not have had significant prior work experience in the field.

The MHS degree program begins in late August/early September, with the first year devoted to coursework followed by research and thesis, usually requiring an additional year in residence. The program requires that students complete at least 64 credits of coursework with a cumulative 2.75 GPA (B or higher average), successfully pass the written comprehensive exams, and produce a publishable quality manuscript of their own work. Students work closely with their advisers to develop their research question and design their projects.

MHS candidates may apply directly from undergraduate programs as long as they have had some scientific, biologic, research, or laboratory experience and have met the prerequisite courses. MHS students may fulfill the thesis requirement by completing a systematic literature review, performing secondary data analysis, or completing a program or project proposal.

*Starting in Academic Year 2025-26, the MHS in Epidemiology will be a one-year program and students will choose one of two paths: Applied or Analytic.

Master of Science (ScM)

The Master of Science (ScM) is designed for students who have prior research experience, either during an undergraduate program or in a full-time position. Many students pursuing the ScM find themselves conducting a "mini doctoral dissertation" in terms of breadth and scope of their research.

The program begins in late August/early September, with the first year devoted to coursework followed by research and thesis, usually requiring an additional year in residence. The program requires that students complete at least 64 credits of coursework with a cumulative 2.75 GPA (B or higher average), successfully pass the written comprehensive exams, and produce a publishable quality manuscript of their own work. Students work closely with their advisers to develop their research question and design their projects.

Successful applicants have published manuscripts and/or have conducted lab or field research. The ScM requires degree candidates to complete an original research project with depth and understanding of epidemiology and the topic area. ScM students submit their publishable quality thesis for approval to the University Graduate Board.


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

The doctoral program in epidemiology targets students with specific career goals in public health research, teaching, and/or leadership. This degree is designed for students with at least two years of relevant work experience or relevant professional skills, and requires at least two years of coursework, followed by an average of two years of research towards a doctoral dissertation.

The program begins in late August/early September. Students must complete a written comprehensive exam, a practice oral exam, preliminary exam, two presentations, and a final dissertation including a presentation seminar and defense exam.

PhD students focus on the creation of new and innovative knowledge through their research. Training is offered through a core methodologic sequence with the addition of more focused courses in specialized areas. Students are expected to tailor their curricula, working with their advisers to create a comprehensive plan of study and research. PhD theses must be based on original research, worthy of publication, and approved by the Department and a committee of thesis (dissertation) readers. PhD students must also be engaged in primary data collection as a component of their dissertation research or embedded in other research during their training here.

Students work closely with their advisers and Thesis Advisory Committee to develop their research questions and design their projects to address those questions and to conduct the dissertation research.

The application deadline for the PhD program in epidemiology is December 1.

Combined Degree

Combined Bachelor's and Master of Health Science (Bachelor's/Master of Health Science)

The Bachelor's and the Master of Health Science (MHS) combined degree program is designed for undergraduate students at Johns Hopkins University who are majoring in Public Health Studies and who are already interested in pursuing an advanced degree through the combined degree program at the Bloomberg School. The Bachelor's/MHS prepares students for further graduate work or prominent careers in research and science.

The benefit of the Bachelor's/MHS is that it allows Johns Hopkins University undergraduates (only) to take BSPH courses during their undergraduate program and apply up to 16 credits accumulated as undergraduates in the MHS program. Students who complete the BA at JHU, become MHS candidates and follow the MHS program, with a compressed version of the master’s degree encouraged.

All applicants are encouraged to complete multiple biology and other science/math courses prior to entering the program.

The Department of Environmental Health & Engineering, the Department of Epidemiology, Department of International Health and the Department of Mental Health all offer the Bachelor's/MHS degree program.

All students interested in the Bachelor's/MHS program in Epidemiology should apply during the summer between their junior and senior year. Click here for a virtual Bachelor's/MHS information session.

View the Bachelor's/MHS Program Timeline


Non-Degree Programs


Certificate Programs

Postdoctoral Fellows

The Department welcomes individuals who have completed doctoral degrees to postdoctoral fellow (PDF) affiliations. Postdoctoral fellows identify a mentor and enjoy advising from faculty and use of the School’s facilities for a period of one to two years.

Prospective PDFs should follow the PDF application instructions on the website

After being admitted to the Program, each fellow should design, in collaboration with their faculty mentor, an Individualized Development Plan for their research time with the Department. PDFs are evaluated annually and must maintain an appropriate level of professionalism and scientific research ethics for the duration of their program. Upon satisfactory completion of their program, PDFs are issued a Certificate of Completion. PDFs must submit a request form and provide an updated curriculum vitae, a forwarding address, and the start and end dates approved by their mentor.

Refer to the Johns Hopkins University Academic Catalogue for PDF requirements and other helpful information.

Training Programs

The Department offers a limited number of NIH-supported predoctoral and postdoctoral fellowship opportunities for U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Decisions regarding the distribution of funds are made by committees representing the various training programs and headed by the principal investigators. Visit the BSPH T32 page for a list of available training grant opportunities.


*For applicants in Fall 2023:

BSPH Epidemiology does not require The Graduate Record Examination in this application cycle. Applicants do not need to submit the exam results for our application. Reviewers will not be considering the submission or the non-submission of the exam as part of the evaluation of readiness to pursue graduate training. For more information about standardized test scores, visit the BSPH Office of Admissions Services page.

Online Learning and Courses

The Bloomberg School invests in educating public health leaders all over the world.