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Faculty Directory

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Showing 761 - 780 of 982 results
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Brian Schwartz
Environmental Health and Engineering

Brian Schwartz, MD, MS, GME ’90, uses environmental epidemiology to evaluate the drivers of sustainability health impacts, such as energy, agriculture, and built environments.

Sheree Schwartz
Associate Scientist

Sheree Schwartz, PhD '11, MPH '07, uses implementation science frameworks and methods to optimize HIV prevention and treatment for women and marginalized populations in the U.S and globally.

Alan Scott
Molecular Microbiology and Immunology

Alan Scott, PhD, MS, studies innate immunity with an emphasis on the roles of macrophages in the pathogenesis of lung diseases caused by parasite and environmental exposures.

Roza Selimyan
Teaching Professor
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Roza Selimyan, PhD, leads the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Department academic programs, where she focuses on connecting science, health, and education.

Tara Sell
Associate Professor
Environmental Health and Engineering

Tara Kirk Sell, PhD '16, MA, uses research to improve preparedness and response to pandemics and disasters. She is also an Olympic silver medalist.

Elizabeth 'Liz' Selvin

Elizabeth Selvin, PhD '04, MPH, leads research at the nexus of epidemiology and clinical practice, focusing on diagnosing and screening for diabetes and prediabetes.

Shannon Seopaul
Senior Research Associate
International Health

Shannon Seopaul, MPH ’15, is leading public health surveillance of infectious diseases in Maryland to inform public policy at the state and national levels.

Research Associate
International Health

Yuan Shang, MSPH '23, studies how to prevent disabilities and chronic conditions and expand access to rehabilitation services in low- and middle-income countries.

Anita Shankar
Associate Scientist
International Health

Anita Shankar, PhD, MS, researches and develops behavioral interventions to foster personal agency and leadership in vulnerable populations to support human flourishing.

Joshua Sharfstein
Distinguished Professor of the Practice
Health Policy and Management

Joshua Sharfstein, MD, works to develop and promote public health strategies, healthcare payment approaches, and regulatory policies that advance health and equity.

Dominick Shattuck
Associate Scientist
Health, Behavior and Society

Dominick Shattuck, PhD, MS, is a community psychologist who works on global public health topics including reproductive health, COVID-19, and masculinities and men’s health.

Yusra Shawar
Associate Research Professor
International Health

Yusra Shawar, PhD, MPH, studies the global governance of health and the politics of health policy processes in low- and middle-income countries.

Ashley Sheffel
International Health

Ashley Sheffel, DrPH ’19, MPH, uses research to improve maternal and child health and measurements of quality of care in low-resource settings.

Karen Shen
Assistant Professor
Health Policy and Management