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Faculty Directory

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Meghan Moran
Associate Professor
Health, Behavior and Society

Meghan Moran, PhD, MA, studies how communications from advertising to misinformation shape public health issues such as vaccine promotion, cancer screening, and tobacco control.

Caroline Moreau
Population, Family and Reproductive Health

Caroline Moreau, MD, PhD, MPH, explores disparities and dynamics in sexual & reproductive health, studies patterns of contraceptive use and informs SRH processes & outcomes.

Photo of Rosemary Morgan
Associate Research Professor
International Health

Rosemary Morgan, PhD, MSc, studies the role of gender inequities on health, health systems, and public health interventions, with a focus on women’s health and wellbeing.

Henry Mosley
- Emeritus
Population, Family and Reproductive Health
Lawrence Moulton
- Emeritus
International Health

Larry Moulton, PhD ’86, MS, is a biostatistician who uses his statistical expertise to design and analyze infectious disease studies in low- and middle-income countries.

Monica Mugnier
Associate Professor
Molecular Microbiology and Immunology

Monica Mugnier, PhD, studies how African trypanosomes, which cause African sleeping sickness, evade the immune system.

Paulani Mui
Assistant Practice Professor
Health Policy and Management

Paulani Mui, MPH ’15, helps to advance public health practice throughout the School and the community, and also researches health disparities among Asian Americans.

Yeeli Mui
Assistant Professor
International Health

Yeeli Mui, PhD '17, MPH, examines structural interventions to address food system issues and advance health equity through the lens of urban policy and planning.

Alvaro Muñoz
- Emeritus

Alvaro Muñoz, PhD, develops and applies data analysis methods for long-term cohort studies of kidney, pelvic floor, infectious and respiratory disease, and liver cancer.

Sarah Murray
Assistant Professor
Mental Health

Sarah McIvor Murray, PhD ’15, MSPH '11, researches mental health, stigma, and violence to promote the health of marginalized populations in low-resource communities.

John Muschelli
Associate Research Professor

John Muschelli, PhD '16, ScM '10, studies how biostatistics and data science can use neuroimaging and accelerometry data to improve clinical practice.