Departmental Affiliations
Research Interests
Primary health care; health workforce capacity; community health worker programs; integrated, people-centered health services; implementation research; mixed methods; Ethiopia; Sub-Saharan Africa
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Experiences & Accomplishments
Youri Moleman, MSPH, studies strategies for primary health care strengthening and health workforce capacity building in resource-limited settings, adopting an organisational perspective.
Select Publications
Selected most recent publications
Yzermans, C.J., Moleman, Y.P., Spreeuwenberg, P. et al. Risk of pneumonia in the vicinity of goat farms: a comparative assessment of temporal variation based on longitudinal health data. Pneumonia 15, 13 (2023).
Bosmans, M., Vetten, Alblas, E., van Duinkerken, A., van Leersum-Bekebrede, L., Heshusius, J., de Kort, E., Rahmon, I., Wentink, B., Stekelenburg, P., Moleman, Y., Marra, E., Dückers, M. The Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the health and wellbeing: part 2; A literature study. Utrecht/Bilthoven: Nivel, RIVM, 2022. 10.21945/Nivel-RIVM-2022-0124
Bosmans, M., Marra, E., Alblas, E., Baliatsas, C., Vetten, M. de, Gameren, R. van, Schulpen, S., Moleman, Y., Bhattathiri, G., Gerbecks, J., Ditchev, L., Dückers, M. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the health and wellbeing of youth; A literature study. Utrecht/Bilthoven: Nivel, RIVM, 2022.10.21945/RIVM-2022-0019