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Select Publications
Wu A., Pronovost P, Morlock L, “ICU Error Reporting Systems”. J Crit Care, 2002 (in press)
Pronovost PJ, Wu AW, Dorman T, Morlock L, “Building safety into ICU Care”. J Crit Care, 2002 (in press)
Pronovost, P., Morlock, L. L., Dorman, T. “Creating and Maintaining Safe Systems of ICU Care.” Yearbook of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine. Springer Verlog, (2001):695-708.
Pronovost, P.J., Morlock, L.L., Cassirer, C., “Creating and Maintaining Safe Systems of Medical Care: The Role of Risk Management.” In Charles Vincent (ed.), Clinical Risk Management: Enhancing Patient Safety (London: British Medical Journal Publications, 2001):369-385.
Pronovost, P.J., Morlock, L.L., Davis, R., Cunningham, T., Paine, L., Schedulen, J., “Using Online and Offline Change Models to Improve ICU Access and Revenues.” The Joint Commission Journal on Quality Improvement, 26:1 (2000):5-17.