Postdoctoral Fellows
Meet Our Postdoctoral Fellows!

Saud Alomairah
Year Entered: 2023
Previous Degrees: PhD, Public Health and Epidemiology; University of Copenhagen; 2023
MPH, Nutrition; Loma Linda University; 2013
BSc, Health Sciences; King Saud University; 2007
Advisor: Johannes Thrul, PhD
Research Interests: My research focuses on physical and mental health interventions to improve physical behaviors and overall well-being. I am passionate about leveraging digital health tools, such as wearables and smartphones, to promote health and explore the impact of digital media use on mental, physical, and social health.
Select Publications:
- Alomairah, S. A., Knudsen, S. d. P., Roland, C. B., Molsted, S., Clausen, T. D., Bendix, J. M., Løkkegaard, E., Jensen, A. K., Larsen, J.E., Jennum, P., & Stallknecht, B. (2023). Effects of two physical activity interventions on sleep and sedentary time in pregnant women. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(7), 5359.
- Knudsen, S. d. P., Alomairah, S. A.*, Roland, C. B., Jessen, A. D., Hergel, I. M., Clausen, T. D., Larsen, J. E., van Hall, G., Jensen, A.K., Molsted, S., Bendix, J. M., Løkkegaard, E., & Stallknecht, B. (2022). Effects of structured supervised exercise training or motivational counseling on pregnant women’s physical activity level: FitMum - Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 24(7), e37699.
- Shi, J., Tan, J. J. M., Ong, H. E., Aljuboori, D., Alomairah, S., Colder Carras, M., & Thrul, J. (2024). Digital well-being in children and youth: Protocol for a comprehensive systematic review of reviews on interventions of problematic digital technology use. F1000Research.

Liba Blumberger
Year Entered: 2024
Previous Degrees: DrPH, Health Systems Organization and Policy; Pennsylvania State University; 2023
MPAS, Public Policy and Analysis; Pennsylvania State University; 2019
BA, Global Policy; Chatham University; 2016
Advisors: Sachini Bandara, PhD, and Brendan Saloner, PhD
Research Interest: My research interest lies at the intersection of substance use and policy, with a keen focus on overdose prevention and advancements in criminal justice reform.
Select Publications:
- Blumberger, L., Calo, W., Mallinson, D. J., Liu, G., & Leslie, D. L. (2024). “Catching Chain” With Medicaid: The Impact of Medicaid Access on Opioid Overdose Mortality in Adults Released From State Detention. Psychiatric Research and Clinical Practice, 0(0).
- Blumberger, L. (2024). Defying Convention. Psychiatric Services, 0(0).

Cerina Dubois
Year Entered: 2024
Previous Degrees: PhD, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, 2024
MPH, School of Public Health, University of Alberta, 2016
CPH, Certified in Public Health, National Board of Public Health Examiners, 2016
Advisors: Johannes Thrul, PhD, and Ryan Vandrey, PhD
Research Interests: My research domains of interest are in addictions and substance use research. At JHU, I am working on a project developing a longitudinal observational research registry for the study of medicinal cannabis use and health - through the use of web-based surveys and ecological momentary assessments. I am primarily interested on the health impacts of medicinal cannabis use on chronic pain and opioid use; and contributing to evidence-based guidelines for medicinal cannabis use.
Select Publications:
- Dubois, C., Bobitt, J., Ding, L., Eurich, D. T., Knapp, A. A., & Jordan, N. (2024). The Association of Medical Cannabis Use with Pain Levels and Opioid Use in Illinois' Opioid Alternative Pilot Program. Substance use & misuse, 1–12. Advance online publication.
- Dubois, C., Lunghi, C., Eurich, D. T., Dyck, J. R. B., Hyshka, E., Hanlon, J. G., & Zongo, A. (2024). Medical cannabis authorization and risk of emergency department visits and hospitalization due to psychotic disorders: A propensity score-matched cohort study. Schizophrenia research, 264, 534–542.
- Dubois, C., Fernandes, H., Lin, M., Martins, K. J. B., Dyck, J. R. B., Klarenbach, S. W., Richer, L., Jess, E., Hanlon, J. G., Hyshka, E., & Eurich, D. T. (2024). Benzodiazepine use in medical cannabis authorization adult patients from 2013 to 2021: Alberta, Canada. BMC public health, 24(1), 859.

Jasmin (Jiuying) Han
Year Entered: 2024
Previous Degrees: PhD, Geography, University of Utah, 2024
Advisor: Johannes Thrul, PhD
Research Interests: mHealth; geographically explicit ecological momentary assessment; health systems research; health disparity; integrating spatial modeling and visualization techniques into public health research
Select Publications:
- Han, J., Wan, N., Horns, J.J., & McCrum, M.L. (In press). Application of community detection methods to detect EGS-specific regional networks. JAMA Network Open.
- Cummins, M.R., Shishupal, S., Wong, B., Wan, N., Han, J., Johnny, J.D., Mhatre-Owens, A., Gouripeddi, R., Ivanova, J., Ong, T. and Soni, H.(2024). Travel distance between participants in US telemedicine sessions with estimates of emissions savings: observational study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 26, e53437. doi: 10.2196/53437
- Han, J., Wan, N., Brewer, S.C., & McCrum, M.L. (2023). Spatial access to Emergency General Surgery (EGS) services and EGS bypass behaviors in California. Annals of GIS, 1-11.
- McCrum, M.L., Wan, N., Han, J., Lizotte, S.L., & Horns, J.J. (2022). Disparities in spatial access to emergency surgical services in the US. JAMA Health Forum, 3(10):e223633. doi:10.1001/jamahealthforum.2022.3633
- McCrum, M.L., Wan, N., Lizotte, S.L., Han, J., Varghese, T., & Nirula, R. (2021). Use of the spatial access ratio to measure geospatial access to emergency general surgery services in California. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, 90(5), 853-860. doi:10.1097/TA.0000000000003087

Bianca D. Smith-Black
Year Entered: 2023
Previous Degrees: BS (Microbiology), MPH (Epidemiology)
Advisor: Terrinieka W. Powell, PhD
Research Interests: My research centers on structural racism, with a primary focus on housing discrimination and its impact on Black mental health, utilizing social and spatial epidemiological methodologies.
Select Publications:
- Smith, B.D.*, Holmes Spencer, B.*, Nur-Singletary, Z., Adane, N., Moser, N., & Powell, T.W. (2024). Assessing the relationship between safety perceptions and communication about sex and drugs among Black adolescents exposed to adversity. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 37(4), 662-671.
- Poku, O. B.*, Smith, B. D*., Pollock, A. M., Dabney, B., Wallace, S., Brown, S., Eng, E., Mendelson, T., Saleem, H. T., & Linton, S. L. (2023). Virtual Implementation of a Photovoice Project With Youth in Baltimore During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Health Promotion Practice, 15248399231193002.
- Smith, B. D., Lewis, Q., Offiong, A., Willis, K., Prioleau, M., & Powell, T. W. (2022). “It’s on every corner”: assessing risk environments in Baltimore, MD using a racialized risk environment model. Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse, 23(1), 95–109.

Bryant M. Stone
Year Entered: 2023
Previous Degrees: PhD in Clinical Psychology
Advisors: Johannes Thrul, PhD, & Brion Maher, PhD
Research Interests: I am a Licensed Clinical Psychologist and NIDA Ruth L. Kirschstein F32 Research Fellow whose research program focuses on unconventional approaches to substance use and substance use disorders, including inclusive and synoptical pathogenesis perspectives (e.g., environmental or biological), alternative treatments (e.g., positive psychology and strengths-based treatments), understudied applications of mechanisms of behavioral change (e.g., behavioral economics and craving reductions), substance use stigma (e.g., within medicine or among policymakers), and policy change (e.g., harm reduction and prevention over punishment).
Select Publications:
- Stone, B. M. (2024). Removing stigmatizing language in self-reports: Effects on psychometric properties and respondent beliefs. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction.
- Stone, B. M. (2024). Development of the enthusiastic substance use attitudes scale: Preliminary evidence of a novel maintenance factor. Substance Use & Misuse.
- Stone, B. M., Gray, K. M., Tomko, R., McRae-Clark, A. L., & Sherman, B. J. (2024). Differential mechanisms of behavior change in cannabis use disorder treatments: Functional improvements and clinical implications. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction.

Abigail Winiker
Year Entered: 2024
Previous Degrees: PhD, MSPH
Advisor: Karin Tobin, PhD
Research Interests: My dissertation research focused upon multilevel resilience mechanisms employed by people who inject drugs with exposure to trauma and end users' perspectives on unmet substance use treatment needs. I am also involved in research on drug decriminalization efforts in the US and the implementation of a housing intervention for transgender women in Los Angeles.
Select Publications:
- Winiker, A. K., Patel, E. U., Genberg, B. L., Ching, J., Schluth, C., Mehta, S. H., ... & Grieb, S. M. (2024). “Especially Being Homeless, They Just Think You’re Infected with COVID or Something”: A Qualitative Exploration of the COVID-19 Pandemic’s Impact on People Experiencing Homelessness With a History of Injection Drug Use in Baltimore, Maryland. Housing Policy Debate, 1-21.
- Rouhani, S., Winiker, A. K., Zhang, L., Sherman, S. G., & Bandara, S. (2024). “What I should be doing is harm reduction, if I'm doing my job right”: Engagement with harm reduction principles among prosecutors enacting drug policy reform in the United States. International Journal of Drug Policy, 131, 104541.
- Winiker, A. K., Heidari, O., Pollock, S., Sodder, S., & Tobin, K. (2023). Barriers and Facilitators to Assessing and Treating Trauma in Primary Care: Perspectives from Prescribers of Medications for Opioid Use Disorder. Substance Use and Misuse. 58(13):1651-1659. DOI: 10.1080/10826084.2023.2238301

Nae Won
Year Entered: 2024
Previous Degrees: PhD, MPH
Advisor: Renee Johnson, PhD
Research Interests: Substance use, injury prevention, motor vehicle crashes
Select Publications:
- Won NY, McCabe AJ, Cottler LB. Alcohol-related non-fatal motor vehicle crash injury in the US from 2019 to 2022. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse. 2024 Mar 3;50(2):252-260. doi: 10.1080/00952990.2024.2309336. Epub 2024 Mar 15. PMID: 38488589.
- Won NY, Jabot B, Wang A, Palamar JJ, Cottler LB. Willingness to provide a hair sample for drug testing: results from an anonymous multi-city intercept survey. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse. 2024 Mar 3;50(2):261-268. doi: 10.1080/00952990.2024.2309654. Epub 2024 Mar 28. PMID: 38547406; PMCID: PMC11052666.
- Won NY, Palamar JJ, Mike SA, Fitzgerald ND, Cottler LB. A Qualitative Analysis of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Personnel Experiences and Perceptions Responding to Drug Overdoses in the United States (US) During the COVID-19 Pandemic. J Health Res. 2023;37(4):270-279. doi: 10.56808/2586-940x.1045. Epub 2023 Jan 20. PMID: 38148880; PMCID: PMC10751031.