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Department of Health Policy and Management


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Showing 1 - 20 of 122 results
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Name Title Overview
Mia Aassar Research Associate
Ellesse-Roselee Akré Assistant Professor
Dana Alkhoury Research Associate

Dana Alkhoury, MPH ‘11, is dedicated to advancing medical knowledge and improving health outcomes through rigorous research and effective implementation strategies.

Lauren Allen Assistant Scientist

Lauren Allen, DrPH ’21, specializes in clinical research administration in the domains of policy setting and implementation, management of multi-institutional research, and knowledge dissemination.

Andrew Anderson Assistant Professor

Andrew Anderson, PhD, evaluates healthcare payment and delivery models to inform policy and practice that increase the visibility of healthcare needs for historically marginalized populations.

Gerard Anderson Professor

Gerard Anderson, PhD, works with policymakers to control health care spending.

Susan Baker Professor - Emeritus
Jeromie Ballreich Associate Research Professor

Jeromie Ballreich, PhD '17, MHS '12, is a health economist who focuses on leading research in areas of pharmaceutical policy and economic evaluations.

Pineal Bareamichael Research Associate
Mark Bittle Teaching Professor

Mark Bittle, DrPH ’06, MBA, FACHE, focuses on the organizational and management factors that influence physician alignment and managing change in complex organizations.

Melinda Buntin Professor

Melinda Buntin, PhD, uses economic modeling to investigate the effects of policies on health care system costs and outcomes.

Thomas Burke Professor - Emeritus

Tom Burke, PhD, MPH, applies the risk sciences to assess the impacts of environmental pollution and advance policies to protect our health.

Spencer Cantrell Assistant Scientist
Anthony Carlini Senior Research Associate

Anthony Carlini, MS, manages clinical trials and uses data science to advance the study of trauma systems and injury outcomes.

Renan Castillo Professor

Renan Castillo, PhD '08, MS, leads a consortium that conducts clinical trials and observational cohorts to study trauma, orthopedics, and disability.

Matthew Castner Associate
Karen Charron Associate Lecturer

Karen Charron, MPH ‘91, is an experienced course instructor and graduate cohort director who teaches and mentors students in the Master of Health Administration program.

Susan Chemerynski Associate Practice Professor
David Chin Distinguished Scholar

David Chin, MD, MBA focuses on transforming health systems and academic medical centers for success under value-based health care models.

Theresa Chirles Assistant Scientist