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Another COVID Surge is Here, But It May Be Less Severe

Rising COVID-19 case numbers and hospitalizations likely mean we're in a new phase of the pandemic. And the number of Americans dying from COVID-19 is also anticipated to grow, although the surge in the short term is not expected to look like previous waves.
David Dowdy and Priya Duggal are quoted. 

The Washington Post

A disaster response expert reflects on health of Ukraine’s refugees

Paul Spiegel, director of the Center for Humanitarian Health at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, spent more than six weeks in Poland and other countries neighboring Ukraine as part of a World Health Organization surge team, acting as emergency coordinator for refugee health.

The New York Times

Why Do I Feel Sick Before My Period?

Researchers don’t fully understand the menstrual cycle’s effects on the immune system, but experts say there are reasons some may feel sick at certain points.

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