Committee on Inclusion, Diversity, Anti-Racism, and Equity
The Committee on Inclusion, Diversity, Anti-Racism, and Equity (formerly the Committee on Equity, Diversity, and Civility) acts as an advising body for inclusion, diversity, anti-racism, and equity-related initiatives at the Bloomberg School and in the Baltimore community. In cooperation with the IDARE Office, the Committee is made up of students, faculty, and staff who are dedicated to developing and recommending actions to foster an environment of belonging at the School.
The Committee organizes IDARE events, meets with local community organizations, and engages the school's leadership to recommend policies and procedures related to diversity and inclusion at the School.
The Committee is also responsible for monitoring compliance with policies related to recruitment, promotion, tenure, salary equity, termination, and equal program accessibility and opportunity for faculty, staff, and students.
The Committee's responsibilities include:
- Recommending and promoting policies and programs that will attract and retain a diverse mix of faculty, staff and students
- Examining formal and informal structures and processes to identify and address impediments to inclusion
- Identifying constraints and barriers to affirmative action and equal opportunity and assure that the Bloomberg School’s affirmative action and equal opportunity policies and procedures are being used appropriately and judiciously
- Benchmarking diversity and inclusion at the school via periodic reporting
- Promoting and supporting diversity awareness School-wide
- Forming subcommittees to address specific short- or long-term issues identified as relevant to the charge of the Committee
Committee Membership
Members of the Committee are appointed by the dean of the Bloomberg School and meet at least nine times each year.
At least six of these individuals are faculty members of various academic ranks. The remainder of the Committee members includes at least two students, at least two staff members to be selected by the Staff Assembly, a representative of the dean’s office, and the Assistant Dean for Inclusion, Diversity, Anti-Racism, and Equity.
The latter two members serve in an ex officio capacity.
Committee Staff
- Susan Williams
Office of the Dean - Lisa A. Lassiter
Office of Inclusion, Diversity, Anti-Racism and Equity (IDARE)
- Joel I. Bolling (ex officio)
Assistant Dean for Inclusion, Anti-Racism, and Equity (IDARE) - Mahnoor K. Ahmed (ex officio)
Director for Student Recruitment and Engagement for Inclusion, Anti-Racism, and Equity (IDARE) - Otis W. Brawley
Professor, Epidemiology Vice Chair for IDARE - Ashley Conroy-Tabrizi
Program Advisor, DrPh Program Representative for IDARE - Kari Debbink
Associate Teaching Professor, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology Vice Chair for IDARE - Simon Egyin
Student Assembly Co-VP of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Representative for IDARE - Danielle German
Associate Professor, Health, Behavior and Society HBS Vice Chair for IDARE - Renee Johnson
Professor, Mental Health Vice Chair for IDARE - Ashok Kumar Kanaparthi
President, Student Assembly Representative for IDARE - Sabriya Linton
Associate Professor, MPH Program Representative for IDARE - Paul Locke
Professor, Environmental Health and Engineering Committee Representative for IDARE - Debra Mathews
Assistant Professor, Berman Institute of Bioethics Representative for IDARE - Azadi Mathew-Lewis
Staff Assembly Representative for IDARE - Rosemary Morgan
Associate Research Professor, International Health Associate Chair for IDARE - Terri Powell, PhD
Associate Professor, Population, Family, and Reproductive Health Vice Chair of IDARE - Leslie Procter
Annual Giving Officer, Office of Development and Alumni Relations Representative for IDARE - Michael Rosenblum
Professor, Biostatistics Associate Chair for IDARE - Michelle Spencer
Practice Professor, Health Policy and Management Associate Chair for IDARE - Jiou Wang
Walder Foundation Distinguished Professor, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Vice Chair for IDARE - Sylvia Washington
Health Policy and Management-Center for Gun Violence Director of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Staff Assembly Representative for IDARE - Yuhan Xiao
Student Assembly Co-VP of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Representative for IDARE