Our Team
Core Staff

Joel I. Bolling, MA
Assistant Dean for IDARE
Bolling is responsible for advancing the inclusion, diversity, anti-racism, and equity strategies for the Bloomberg School. He works collaboratively to increase the recruitment, retention, and mentorship of faculty and students from underrepresented and underserved backgrounds. He coordinates initiatives to ensure that all students, post doctorates, faculty, staff, alumni, community members and all people who engage with the Bloomberg School are valued, respected, and nurtured, inclusive of their identities. Prior to joining the Bloomberg School, Bolling supported inclusion, diversity, anti-racism, equity, and social justice efforts at various higher education institutions, most recently Towson University.
CONTACT: jbolling@jhu.edu

Mahnoor K. Ahmed, MS
IDARE Director for Student Recruitment and Engagement
Ahmed provides leadership for developing, managing, and supporting initiatives directed at promoting a diverse and inclusive student community while serving as a resource to improve the overall inclusion, diversity, anti-racism and equity (IDARE) climate at the School. She works collaboratively with offices, programs, and departments at the School to integrate IDARE as a fundamental thread throughout the student experience. She has experience providing mentoring, advising, training, and leadership development, with a focus on issues of identity, belonging and inclusion.
CONTACT: amahnoo1@jhu.edu

Audrey Ndaba, MS
Director of Student Disability Services
Audrey provides oversight for the day-to-day operations of the office and ensures that accommodations are developed and appropriately implemented. She works in partnership with faculty, teaching assistants, and staff to support students’ needs in and outside of the classroom.
She has over ten years of experience working in Higher Education student support roles. Her professional interests include facilitating workshops on Academic Ableism, creating an inclusive community for students with disabilities by using a student centric approach to proactively remove barriers and foster an appreciation of disability as an area of diversity.
CONTACT: andaba1@jhu.edu
Lisa Lassiter
Senior Administrative Coordinator
Lisa is responsible for providing high-level administrative, project and program support for the Office of Inclusion, Diversity, Anti-Racism, and Equity (IDARE). Lassiter has 23 years of divisional administration with extensive involvement in meeting planning, office management, program coordination, and internal and external communication.
CONTACT: llassit2@jhu.edu
Affiliated Staff
Dr. Aisha Dickerson, Leadership and Education in Academic Research and Networking for Enhancing Diversity (LEARNED)
Dr. Roland Thorpe, Leadership and Education in Academic Research and Networking for Enhancing Diversity (LEARNED), Diversity Summer Internship Program (DSIP) Faculty Director
Kevin Li, Grad Coordinator, LGBT Working Group