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Institutional Review Board (IRB)


Training helps to support successful research and compliance. Below we provide information on training regarding Human Subjects Research, Conflict of Interest (COI), Good Clinical Practice (GCP) and other Institutional Compliance Training (HIPAA, Training on Safety of Children, Biosafety, etc.).

CITI Training Instructions:

Trainings for Bloomberg School Researchers

BSPH Learner GroupsTraining Courses Required
All  BSPH facultymyLearning: Conflict of Interest and Commitment(link is external) (COI), based on institutional requirements.
All BSPH investigators, study staff, and students who have not previously completed CITI human subjects research ethics training

CITI: BSPH Basic Human Subjects Research Course

(Go to CITI to take courses(link is external))

BSPH investigators, study staff, and students who previously completed CITI human subjects research training 5 years (or more) ago and need to renew certification

CITI: BSPH Human Subjects Research Refresher Courses

(Go to CITI to take courses(link is external))

BSPH investigators, study staff, and students conducting clinical trials with drugs/devices

MyLearning: Good Clinical Practice(link is external)

(Go to CITI to take courses(link is external))


CITI: Good Clinical Practice and ICH (GCP)

(Go to CITI to take courses(link is external))

BSPH investigators, study staff, and students conducting clinical trials for social/behavioral interventions

CITI: GCP – Social and Behavioral Research Best Practices for Clinical Research

(G(link is external)o to CITI to take courses(link is external))

BSPH investigators, study staff, and students who store or use human-derived tissues or bodily fluids (including human cell lines), recombinant DNA or synthetic nucleic acid molecules, potentially pathogenic organisms or infectious agents, or biological toxins.

JHM Biosafety Training: Registration and training requirements are available at: is external) is external)

BSPH faculty, students, and staff who interact through a Hopkins research project with youth.myLearning: Training on the Safety of Children in University Programs(link is external) (in accordance with) University Policy
BSPH local data collectorsBSPH Field Guides: BSPH Human Subjects Research Ethics Field Training Guide
Non-BSPH co-investigators who have not completed human subjects research ethics or GCP training elsewhere and need training to register in PHIRST

CITI: BSPH Basic Human Subjects Research Course and/or GCP (standard or Social/Behavioral) using JHSPH CITI institutional account (Go to CITI to take courses(link is external))


Training for Non-JHSPH Investigators and Study Team Members(link is external)


BSPH investigators, study staff, and students using Protected Health Information (PHI) in Research, HIPAA

CITI: HIPAA: Health Privacy Issues for Researchers

(Go to CITI to take courses(link is external))


SPH principal investigators leading studies where either the BSPH is relying on another institution or a partner institution is relying on the BSPH.

CITI: Single IRB Use and Administration

(Go to CITI to take courses(link is external))

BSPH investigators, study staff, and students conducting research on Native American reservations.

CITI: Native American Research

(Go to CITI to take courses(link is external))

BSPH investigators, study staff, and students involved with animal research

CITI: Working with the IACUC

(Go to CITI to take courses(link is external))


Field Training Guides for Data Collectors

BSPH investigators often hire local people to collect data for their research. These individuals are "engaged" in human subjects research as they interact with participants and often are also obtaining informed consent. Depending upon level of education, language, and web access, online training may not be appropriate as a training mechanism for data collectors. The Field Guides below provide the basic information data collectors require and are intended for in-person training.

Good Clinical Practice (GCP) for Social and Behavioral Research Field Guide

BSPH Human Subjects Research Ethics Field Training Guide

Ethics Training for non-BSPH/JHU Investigators and Study Team Members

The BSPH IRB accepts human subjects research ethics, HIPAA, and GCP training certificates from JHU investigators and study team members from other JHU Divisions, so long as they are current and compliant with divisional requirements.

Ethics Training for Non-JHU Investigator and Study Team Members

In general, the BSPH IRB will accept certification of completion of human subjects research ethics training, HIPAA training, and GCP training from sources other than CITI and JHU MyLearning for non-Hopkins investigators and study team members. Training certification provided by the non-JHU investigator's home institution is accepted.  For international studies, you may use the Family Health International (FHI) “Research Ethics Training Curriculum, 2/e(link is external)", which uses a case-study approach. The U.S. National Institutes of Health offers human subjects research, GCP, and other trainings that are acceptable.