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Faculty Directory

Our faculty are world-renowned experts, and trusted advisers to our students, public health leaders, and the public.

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We take pride in celebrating the richness of our diverse faculty community, recognizing that it enriches our academic environment and enhances our collective experiences.


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Sachini Bandara
Assistant Professor
Mental Health

Sachini Bandara, PhD ’18, MS, studies how public health policies can improve wellbeing for people who use drugs, have mental illness, or are involved in the carceral system.

Karen Bandeen-Roche

Karen Bandeen-Roche, PhD, MS, creates statistical reasoning needed to learn how we can lengthen healthy life and increase independence for older adults.

Abdullah Baqui
International Health

Abdullah Baqui, DrPH 1990, MPH 1985, studies the major causes of neonatal, child, and maternal morbidity and mortality.

Harry Barbee
Assistant Professor
Health, Behavior and Society

Harry Barbee, PhD ’20, is an interdisciplinary social scientist who aims to identify, understand, and improve health and aging outcomes among lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer populations.

Allison Barlow
Research Professor
International Health

Allison Barlow, PhD, MPH ’97, MA, works with Native American communities to co-create strengths-based programs promoting health and education equity and well-being.

Daniel Barnett
Environmental Health and Engineering

Daniel Barnett, MD, MPH '01, studies emergency preparedness, response, and recovery to identify approaches for optimizing population health in emergencies and disasters.

Judith Bass
Mental Health

Judith Bass, PhD '04, MPH, MIA, is an implementation science researcher, with a broad background in sociology, economic development studies, and psychiatric epidemiology.

Nicole Baumgarth
Molecular Microbiology and Immunology

Nicole Baumgarth, DVM, PhD, leads efforts of the BSPH to eliminate threats from tickborne diseases, such as Lyme, and studies why some immune responses to infections are successful and others are not.

Stan Becker
- Emeritus
Population, Family and Reproductive Health
Assistant Professor
Population, Family and Reproductive Health

Suzanne Bell, PhD ’18, MPH, studies fertility and related behaviors, examining patterns of contraceptive use, abortion, and infertility and factors that contribute to disparities.

Sara Benjamin Neelon
Health, Behavior and Society

Sara Benjamin-Neelon, PhD, JD, MPH, is an attorney and child nutritionist who examines early life predictors of obesity and other chronic diseases with a health equity lens.

Sara Bennett
International Health

Sara Bennett, PhD, MPhil, examines health policy and systems in low- and middle-income countries with a focus on institutional capacity, sustainability, and systems governance.