MPH Mentor Program
Interest sign-up window:
- Mentors: July 1-August 9, 2024
- Mentees: August 2-28, 2024
Match day: September 3, 2024
Close day: May 10, 2025

How do I make sure I receive the best match?
Matches are made through OneHop, so make sure you're inputting as much information as possible about yourself and your interests. The more we know about you, the higher quality match we can make.
How do I join?
Potential new mentors and mentees are onboarded over the summer and in the early weeks of summer session. If you're interested, email Elizabeth Rigsbee and request to join the OneHop platform.
Why do I need to join OneHop?
OneHop makes matching efficient and effective! Participants can answer important match questions that help us understand needs and strengths, which helps students as they search through potential mentors and indicate who may be a good match for them, which helps us make matches based on specific areas of interest.
I'm a new grad, can I still be a mentor?
Yes! All mentors have something to offer and we would be happy to welcome you to the MPH mentor program. Email Elizabeth Rigsbee for details and next steps.
For a quick mentoring refresh or to receive advice as a new mentor, take a look at this 20-minute training video that reviews contacting your mentee, setting goals and expectations, and understanding how you can support your mentee during the relationship.