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Office of Admissions Services

Student Right to Know

Looking for important information about the Bloomberg School?

The Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended in 2008, includes many student disclosures and reporting requirements by universities. These requirements include statistics and/or information on the following subjects:

  1. Retention and graduation rates;
  2. Financial assistance available to students and requirements and restrictions imposed on Title IV aid;
  3. Crime statistics on campus;
  4. Athletic program participation rates and financial support; and
  5. Other institutional information including: the cost of attendance, accreditation and academic program data, facilities and services available to disabled students, and withdrawal and refund policies.

The following template was devised by Johns Hopkins University to communicate this information across its schools. Please note, however, that the Bloomberg School serves a graduate student population and certain categories of disclosure do not apply. These categories have been marked "N/A."

General Institutional Information

Student Financial Assistance Information

Health and Safety Information

Student Outcomes

  • Retention Rates for First-time, Full-time students - N/A
  • Completion/Graduation Rates for First-time, Full-time Students - N/A
  • Completion/Grad Rates for Athletes Receiving Athletic Aid - N/A
  • Placement Rates