Faculty Directory
Our faculty are world-renowned experts, and trusted advisers to our students, public health leaders, and the public.
Name | Title | Department | Overview |
Spencer Cantrell | Assistant Scientist | Health Policy and Management |
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Paula Caporal | Research Associate | International Health |
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Andrea Carcelen | Assistant Scientist | International Health |
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Erica Carcelen | Research Associate | International Health |
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Carolina Cardona Cabrera | Assistant Scientist | Population, Family and Reproductive Health |
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Anthony Carlini | Senior Research Associate | Health Policy and Management |
Anthony Carlini, MS, manages clinical trials and uses data science to advance the study of trauma systems and injury outcomes. |
Michelle Carlson | Professor | Mental Health |
Michelle Carlson, PhD, uses wearables and data to measure cognitively enriching activity in daily life and design interventions to buffer the brain and delay dementia. |
Jane Carlton | Professor | Molecular Microbiology and Immunology |
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Arturo Casadevall | Professor | Molecular Microbiology and Immunology |
Arturo Casadevall, MD, PhD, focuses on host defense mechanisms, how fungi cause disease, and in the development of antibody-based therapies for infectious diseases. |
Renan Castillo | Professor | Health Policy and Management |
Renan Castillo, PhD '08, MS, leads a consortium that conducts clinical trials and observational cohorts to study trauma, orthopedics, and disability. |
Carlos Castillo-Salgado | Professor | Epidemiology |
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Matthew Castner | Associate | Health Policy and Management |
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Laura Caulfield | Professor | International Health |
Laura Caulfield, PhD, researches nutrition problems affecting maternal, infant, and child health in the United States and globally. |
David Celentano | Professor | Epidemiology |
David Celentano, ScD ’77, MHS ’75, is an infectious disease epidemiologist who researches behavioral risk factors for HIV/AIDS, STIs, and other infections. |
Javier Cepeda | Assistant Professor | Epidemiology |
Javier Cepeda, PhD, MPH, researches the intersecting epidemics of substance use, infectious disease, and justice involvement, as well as interventions needed to reduce these harms on public health. |
Subhra Chakraborty | Associate Professor | International Health |
Subhra Chakraborty, PhD, MPH ’13, MSc, leads research to eliminate mortality and reduce morbidity due to infectious diseases by using improved diagnostics, epidemiology, and vaccines. |
Aruna Chandran | Research Professor | Epidemiology |
Aruna Chandran, MD, MPH ’04, studies how household and neighborhood factors affect health outcomes, and how resiliency factors can be leveraged to improve well-being. |
Srinivasan Chandrasegaran | Professor - Emeritus | Environmental Health and Engineering |
Srinivasan Chandrasegaran, PhD, is part of an international team that synthesized the first functional chromosome in yeast, an important step in the field of synthetic biology. |
Jeanne Charleston | Senior Research Associate | Epidemiology |
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Karen Charron | Associate Lecturer | Health Policy and Management |
Karen Charron, MPH ‘91, is an experienced course instructor and graduate cohort director who teaches and mentors students in the Master of Health Administration program. |