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EHE Faculty Recognized as Exceptional Teachers

School recognizes faculty who have impressive accomplishments in teaching.


The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health has a long tradition and a firm commitment to instruction of the highest quality. Excellence in teaching stimulates intellectual curiosity in students and prepares them to address the most challenging public health problems facing the world today. Each term, students recognize through their course evaluations the faculty who have contributed significantly to the intellectual life of the School through their excellence in teaching.


Honorees are those instructors who received an average score of 3.6 or above (on a four-point scale) in both the Overall Course and Overall Instructor categories of their student course evaluations with a response rate of 70% or higher.

The School expresses deep appreciation and congratulations to the following faculty members who achieved teaching excellence in the academic year 2023–2024. 


Daniel Barnett, Professor
Course: Introduction to Public Health Emergency Preparedness

Shyam S. Biswal, Professor
Global Sustainability and Health Seminar

Martin Bloem, Professor
Course: Global Sustainability and Health Seminar

Joseph Bressler, Associate Professor
Course: Environmental Health in Neurological and Mental Disorders

Valeria Culotta, Professor
Course: Fellowship Grant Writing for Students and Postdoctoral Fellows in Biomedical Research

Meghan Davis, Associate Professor
Courses: Total Worker Health, One Health Seminar

Louis Fazen, Assistant Professor
Course: Onsite Evaluation of Workplace and Occupational Health Programs

Mary Fox, Assistant Practice Professor
Courses: Topics in Risk Assessment, Risk Policy, Management and Communication

Gigi Gronvall, Associate Professor
Course: Lessons Learned in 1918 Pandemic Flu

Paul Locke, Professor
Course: Introduction to Environmental and Occupational Health Law

Sara Lupolt, Assistant Scientist
Course: Topics in Risk Assessment

Alexandra Maertens, Assistant Scientist
Courses: Analysis for Environmental Genomics and Epigenomics, Introduction to Environmental Genomics and Epigenomics

Keeve Nachman, Associate Professor
Course: Topics in Risk Assessment

Andrew Pekosz, Professor
Course: Advanced Virology

Ana Maria Rule, Assistant Professor
Course: Onsite Evaluation of Workplace and Occupational Health Programs

Monica Schoch-Spana, Research Professor
Course: The Sociocultural Dimensions of Disasters

Alan Scott, Professor
Course: Biology of the Next Pandemic

Erin Sorrell, Visiting Associate Professor
Course: Lessons Learned in 1918 Pandemic Flu

Andrew Thorne-Lyman
Associate Research Professor, International Health/Environmental Health and Engineering (Joint)
Course: International Nutrition


Shyam S. Biswal, Professor
Course: Climate Change and Public Health

Natalie Exum, Associate Scientist 
Course: Water and Sanitation in Low-Income Communities

Mary A. Fox, Assistant Practice Professor
Course: Methods in Quantitative Risk Assessment

Megan Weil Latshaw, Associate Teaching Professor
Course: Essentials of Environmental Health

David Love, Research Professor
Course: Seafood and Public Health: Global Trade, Nutrition and the Environment

Sara Lupolt, Assistant Scientist
Course: Introduction to the Risk Sciences and Public Policy

Keeve Nachman, Associate Professor
Course: Introduction to the Risk Sciences and Public Policy

Roni Neff, Associate Professor
Course: Baltimore Food Systems: A Case Study of Urban Food Environments

Liz Nussbaumer, Project Director, Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future
Course: Seafood and Public Health: Global Trade, Nutrition and the Environment

Gurumurthy Ramachandran, Professor
Courses: Occupational Health Management
Exposure Assessment Techniques For Health Risk Management 

Aisha Rivera , Associate
Course: Clinical Environmental and Occupational Toxicology

Kellogg Schwab, Professor
Course: Water and Sanitation in Low-Income Communities

Second Term

Julie Barth, Associate
Course: Principles of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene

Shyam S. Biswal, Professor
Course: Molecular Toxicology

Joseph Bressler, Associate Professor
Course: Toxicology 21: Scientific Foundations

Mary A. Fox, Assistant Practice Professor (Joint) 
Course: Topics in Risk Assessment

Jordan Kuiper, Assistant Scientist
Course: Global Sustainability and Health Seminar

Megan Weil Latshaw, Associate Teaching Professor
Course: Applied Environmental Health Practice

Paul A. Locke, Professor
Course: Protecting the Environment and Safeguarding Worker Health: A Problem-Based Approach

Philip Ray McNab, Assistant Scientist
Course: Food Systems Practicum

Tara Kirk Sell, Associate Professor
Course: Protecting the Environment and Safeguarding Worker Health: A Problem-Based Approach

Fenna Sillé, Assistant Professor
Course: Molecular Toxicology

Michele Twilley, Associate
Course: Principles of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene


Meghan Frost Davis, Associate Professor
Course: Essentials of One Health

Gigi Kwik Gronvall, Associate Professor
Course: Biotechnology and Health Security

Megan Weil Latshaw, Associate Teaching Professor
Course: Principles of Environmental Health 

Sara Lupolt, Assistant Scientist
Course: Introduction to the Risk Sciences and Public Policy

Keeve E. Nachman, Associate Professor
Course: Introduction to the Risk Sciences and Public Policy

Tara Kirk Sell, Associate Professor
Course: Public Health Emergencies: Risk Communication and Decision Science

Crystal R. Watson, Associate Professor
Course: Public Health Emergencies: Risk Communication and Decision Policy