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Nurture Classroom Connection: Tips for Writing Course Communication for Adult Learners

Department & Center Event

Tuesday, July 23, 2024, 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. ET
Add to Calendar 15 jhu-bsph-300146 Nurture Classroom Connection: Tips for Writing Course Communication for Adult Learners

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Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
2024-07-23 16:00 2024-07-23 17:00 UTC use-title Location Zoom

A 2024 Picnic PD (Professional Development) with BSPH Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) summer series workshop. Format: Workshop (30 minutes) followed by open Q&A (30 minutes).

Clearly and concisely communicating with adult learners reduces cognitive load and improves you and your students’ learning experience. This workshop will showcase practical communication strategies to help you facilitate transparent and effective course communication for an adult audience, from assignment directions to course emails. 
Using realistic examples of course communication, we will then work together to apply practical tips to optimize your written communication. Finally, you will work individually to revise one course artifact using the knowledge you gained from the workshop with the support and guidance of CTL instructional designers.

Zoom Registration is required.

Contact Info

Amy Pinkerton