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News Releases

Initiating HAART Sooner Optimizes Results (web article)

For optimal results, antiviral AIDS therapy, should be started sooner than current scientific guidelines suggest, according to a new study from researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and New York Academy of Medicine.

High Blood Pressure Can Be Controlled, If We Wish to Control It (web article)

Nearly one third of American adults now have high blood pressure, statistics that are particularly discouraging, says Eliseo Guallar, MD, DrPH, because one third of those with high blood pressure don’t know they are suffering from the disorder, and another third, who do know, are either not taking the right medication, not taking enough, or choosing to forego treatment altogether.



Alison Gemmill discusses the falling U.S. birth rate.

Screenshot of Caitlin Rivers on CBS Evening News

CBS Evening News

Caitlin Rivers discusses human cases of bird flu.

screenshot of Natalie Exum speaking on C-SPAn

C-SPAN Washington Journal

Natalie Exum discusses efforts to reduce lead and PFAS in drinking water. 

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The Bloomberg School requires all media guests–including print and electronic reporters, photographers, producers, and videographers–to coordinate with a Bloomberg School media representative in advance of their visit, ideally with 48-hours notice. This applies to all School-affiliated buildings, offices, and facilities. 

Bloomberg School media guests will be accompanied by a communications staff member throughout their entire visit.