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Vaccine Day 2024 - Dengue: New Epidemics, New Vaccines

Department and Center Events

Johns Hopkins Vaccine Initiative 


Wednesday, April 17, 2024, 12:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. ET
Wolfe Street Building/E2014/E3018 (Sommer Hall)
Wolfe Street Building/E2030 (Feinstone Hall)
Past Event

Keynote Address and Panel Discussion

12 noon - 2 pm
Sommer Hall


Gabriela Paz-Bailey, MD, PhD, MSc, DTM&H

Chief of the Dengue Branch,
Division of Vector-Borne Diseases,
National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (NCEZID), CDC


Anna Durbin, MD

Professor and Director, 
Center for Immunization Research, Department of International Health
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health  


Poster Session and Reception

2:00- 4:00 pm

Feinstone Hall


Watch the recorded keynote addresses and panel session.



Submit a poster 

Share your vaccine-related work during Vaccine Day. Posters should describe original vaccine-related work, either completed or in progress. Awards will be given for the best student submissions. Funding is available for student poster printing. Abstract submission deadline: April 8, 2024.

Posters will be on display in Feinstone Hall during Vaccine Day Wednesday, April 17.

Submit your abstracts to:, and indicate if you are a student.