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Evaluation of District-Level Primary Health Care Implementation in Low-and Middle-income Settings

Course Status

Summer Institute
International Health
Academic Year
2023 - 2024
Instruction Method
Synchronous Online
Auditors Allowed
Yes, with instructor consent
Available to Undergraduate
Grading Restriction
Course Instructor(s)
Frequency Schedule
Every Year
Are you interested in developing evaluation plans for primary health care programs in middle or low-resource settings? Are you interested in plans that can be used to assess implementation at the district level? Through this course you can take advantage of years of experience helping program implementers design evaluations and learn simple steps that guide you through this process.
Prepares students to analyze local contexts and project implementation designs in order to develop evaluation plans that can be practically applied to programs in middle and low-resource settings. Discusses actual experiences of helping implementers design evaluations for district level programs, taking into consideration time and budget limitations. Focuses on developing pre-post evaluation plans that measure adequacy of implementation, based on evaluation conceptual frameworks, following theory of change logic. Explores choosing the proper evaluation methodology (i.e. Qualitative and/or Quantitative). Includes choosing appropriate indicators based on internationally accepted primary health care indicators. Explores alternatives for addressing mortality measurement.
Learning Objectives
Upon successfully completing this course, students will be able to:
  1. Design a conceptual framework based on theory of change that serves as a basis for developing an evaluation plan
  2. Explain how local and national contexts inform evaluation designs
  3. Explain critical details of program implementation designs, such as target population and geographic location, and how to work with implementers so that they can refine the program design to include these details
  4. Choose appropriate indicators based on internationally accepted primary health care indicators
  5. Choose evaluation designs with the appropriate level of rigor for program implementers and donors to assess whether or not the program is contributing to improved health outcomes
  6. Develop an evaluation plan that takes into consideration limitations of time, budget, and technical abilities of staff who will be implementing the survey
Methods of Assessment
This course is evaluated as follows:
  • 45% Assignments
  • 20% draft final paper
  • 35% Final Paper
Special Comments

The course requires 10 hours of pre-course reading and two graded exercises