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, MD, PhD, MPH

Senior Associate
Henry Perry

Departmental Affiliations

Health Systems

Center & Institute Affiliations

Contact Info

615 N. Wolfe Street, Room E8537

Research Interests

primary health care; community health; community-based primary health care; community-oriented public health; surgical services in developing countries; management of NGOs in the health sector of developing countries; health systems strengthening
Experiences & Accomplishments
Johns Hopkins University
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
My primary research interest concerns the impact of community-based primary health care programs on health improvement, especially on the health of mothers and children. I have a broad interest in primary health care and community-oriented public health, community participation, and equity and empowerment. A secondary research interest concerns health systems strengthening and strengthening basic and essential surgical services in developing countries.

In coordination with colleagues, we have just published in the July 2017 issue of the Journal of Global Health a series of articles reviewing the effectiveness of community-based primary health care in improving maternal, neonatal and child. This is available at: (see Research Theme 5).

For an overview of Dr. Perry's career in global health, a video can be found at
Honors & Awards
Distinguished Alumnus, Johns Hopkins University, 2018
Carl Taylor Lifetime Achievement Award, International Health Section of the American Public Health Association, 2015
Ronald McDonald House Charities Award for Medical Excellence, 2013
Gordon-Wyon Award for Excellence in Community-Oriented Public Health, Epidemiology and Practice, given by the International Health Section of the American Public Health Association, 2009
Dory Storms Child Survival Recognition Award “for exceptional efforts resulting in more effective child survival program implementation and increased impact in improving the health of the poorest of the poor including mothers, children and infants in underserved communitiers throughout the world" given by the CORE Group (Collaboration and Resources for Child and Maternal Health), a membership organization of over 50 citizen-supported NGOs that work in resource-poor settings to promote the health of mothers, children and communities, 2009
Honorary Lifetime Membership, American Academy of Physician Assistants, 1985
Select Publications
The following are representative publications.
  • Perry H, Rassekh B, Gupta S, Freeman P. A comprehensive review of the evidence regarding the effectiveness of community-based primary health care in improving maternal, neonatal and child health: 7. Programs with evidence of long-term impact on mortality in children younger than five years of age. Journal of Global Health 2017;7(1), doi: 10.7189/jogh.07.010907.
  • Perry HB, Zulliger R, Rogers MM. Community Health Workers in Low-, Middle- and High-Income Countries: An Overview of Their History, Recent Evolution, and Current Effectiveness. 2014. Annual Review of Public Health 35:22.1-22.23.
  • Perry H and Crigler L. (eds.). Developing and Strengthening Community Health Worker Programs at Scale: A Reference Guide and Case Studies for Program Managers and Policy Makers. 2014. Washington, DC: USAID/MCHIP (available at: _CHW%20Ref%20Guide.pdf).
  • Perry H, Berggren W, Berggren G, Dowell D, Menager H, Bottex E, Dortonne JR, Philippe F, and Cayemittes M. 2007. Long-term reductions in under-five mortality in the Hôpital Albert Schweitzer service area in rural Haiti: The effects of a comprehensive health and development system in a severely impoverished setting. American Journal of Public Health 97:240-6.
  • Perry H, Robison N, Chavez D, Taja O, Hilari C, Shanklin D, and Wyon J. 1999. Attaining Health for All through community partnerships: Principles of the census-based, impact-oriented approach developed in Bolivia, South America. Social Science and Medicine 48:1053-1067.
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