Administrative Residency
About the Administrative Residency
The second year administrative residency is a hallmark of our Master’s in Health Administration program. This 11-month, full-time, paid experience enables students to gain high-level, hands-on experience, build a professional network and hone the analytical, technical and management skills required to lead in hospitals and health systems, the health insurance industry and consulting firms. Students are mentored by executives throughout their residency to further strengthen their leadership skills.
Match Process
The residency placement process is similar to that of a medical school match process, with significant programmatic support to help students find meaningful experiences. Throughout the fall of students’ first year, the program schedules organization showcases with preceptors from partner organizations. These showcases allow students to:
- Understand the full scope of the healthcare ecosystem
- Learn about potential career paths
- Demonstrate their intellectual curiosity to prospective hosts through active participation in discussions
- Meet with senior executives and leaders who may serve as precentors and colleagues during the administrative residency
- Learn about specific potential residency opportunities.
In the spring of students’ first year, MHA program staff schedules student interviews with these partner organizations to facilitate matching.
Past Placements
The MHA program partners with hospitals and health systems, health insurance companies and consulting firms across the country who are committed to providing rich residency experiences for MHA students. Recent administrative residency sites have included: