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Alumni Spotlight: Asari Offiong, PhD '21

  • Degree Program: PhD
  • Area of Interest: Adolescent Health
  • Graduation Year: 2021
  • Hometown: Detroit, MI
  • Previous Degree(s) Earned: BS in Brain, Behavior and Cognitive Science from University of Michigan Ann Arbor;  MPH from Boston University School of Public Health

What sparked your interest in public health?

I've always understood the value and power of communities thriving; and was interested in taking a community approach to addressing issues. So when I learned that this is what separated medicine from public health, I was sold!

What led you to choose Bloomberg School of Public Health and join the Department of Population, Family and Reproductive Health? 

When I discovered the Center for Adolescent Health and learned of Terri Powell's work, I knew that BSPH and PRFH were the best fit for me. It was really important for me to be under the tutelage of faculty that valued youth voice, and intentional community engagement in research.  

How did your degree prepare you for current and future roles? What aspects of the PFRH degree program did you find most useful? 

I learned how to design and conduct rigorous mixed methods research projects, write strong publications for different audiences and to think critically about issues with a new lens and approach. One of the best courses I took in PRFH was Donna Strobino's Critiquing the Literature. It helped me to think more deeply, connect the knowledge I already had, and become a better thought leader in the field of adolescent health.

I learned how to design and conduct rigorous mixed methods research projects, write strong publications for different audiences, and to think critically about issues with a new lens and approach.

Describe your current position and responsibilities in a way that will inform current and prospective students about career opportunities in your field. 

I'm a Senior Research Scientist at Child Trends, where I lead a variety of different projects focused on adolescent health, including evaluations and technical assistance. I have the opportunity to work with different partners including universities, community organizations and government agencies. 

How did you build your sense of community during your time as a PFRH student? 

I really leaned into my cohort - we studied together and were intentional about getting through this experience as a team. I was proactive in joining other research teams that were focused on topics/populations that aligned with my interests. As a member of those labs, I was then connected to other students and faculty.

What was your favorite thing about living in Baltimore while you were a student? 

It was an easy city to get acclimated to and didn't feel overwhelming.

Do you have any advice for prospective students? 

Seize the moment. Yes, you want to graduate on time and quickly, but take advantage of the plethora of resources (i.e., people, courses, projects etc.) at your fingertips. The projects and relationships I made have continued to serve me well and are the gifts that keep on giving in my career. 

PFRH Alumni Profiles