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Foster Belonging in Online Learning Environments

Department & Center Event

Tuesday, June 25, 2024, 12:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. ET
Past Event

A 2024 Picnic PD (Professional Development) with BSPH Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) summer series workshop. Format: Workshop (30 minutes) followed by open Q&A (30 minutes).
Human beings crave a sense of belonging and a desire to feel like an accepted member of a group. Fostering this type of welcoming learning environment is important as it allows students to feel emotionally connected and highly motivated to engage on a deeper level with course content. However, creating this type of environment can be especially difficult when teaching an online class. This workshop will go over teaching strategies for online courses that build a feeling of community which allows students to engage with course material in a meaningful way. You'll walk away from this workshop with tangible artifacts to transform the learning environment of online classes from disengagement to a place of social belonging.
Zoom Registration is required.

Contact Info

Amy Pinkerton