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Research Interests
Epidemiology; diabetes; obesity; cancer; clinical trials
Experiences & Accomplishments
Dr. Yeh is an epidemiologist and Associate Professor in the Division of General Internal Medicine at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine with expertise on cohort studies and clinical trials of lifestyle factors, obesity, cancer, and diabetes. She is the PI of an RCT funded by the Maryland Cigarette Restitution Fund investigating metformin and behavioral weight loss to lower IGF-1 among cancer survivors in Baltimore metro area. In the NIDDK-funded Diabetes Research Center (P30), she directs the Healthcare and Population Science Core consisting investigators from Johns Hopkins, Howard University, and University of Maryland. As a core faculty in the NHLBI-funded Hopkins Center to Eliminate Cardiovascular Health Disparities (P50), she is co-leading an RCT of tailored dietary advice to improve cardiovascular disease risk factors in urban African Americans. In addition, Dr. Yeh chairs the Cancer Outcomes Committee for the NIDDK-funded Look AHEAD Trial (U01), an RCT of lifestyle intervention in more than 5,000 overweight and obese adults with type 2 diabetes. In the NHLBI-funded POWER trial, an RCT of behavioral weight loss in primary care setting, Dr. Yeh was the Director of the Coordinating Center for the POWER Trial Collaborative Research Group (U01). Dr. Yeh has published numerous high-impact articles in clinical trials, complex surveys (NHANES, NHIS), large cohort studies (ARIC, CARDIA), administrative databases (SEER-Medicare), and meta-analyses. Dr. Yeh is the Associate Director of the Welch Center for Prevention, Epidemiology, and Clinical Research. In addition, she directs the General Internal Medicine-Welch Center Methods Core which provides research support to faculty, fellows, and medical residents. She is the Course Director for the “Epidemiology of Diabetes and Obesity” at Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. Dr. Yeh received a teaching award from Department of Medicine for her outstanding research mentorship for medical residents.
Honors & Awards
Delta Omega Public Health Honor Society
Teaching Award for Oustanding Research Contribution of Resident Scholarship, Osler Residency Training Program, Johns Hopkins Deparment of Medicine
American Diabetes Association Epidemiology and Statistics Michaela Modan Award
The Jean Coombs Award for student research
Society for Epidemiologic Research Student Workshop Travel Award
National Taiwan University Undergraduate Award, Taipei, Taiwan
Select Publications
Selected Publications
*Yeh HC, Punjabi N, Wang NY, Pankow J, Duncan B, Cox C, Selvin E, Brancati FL. Cross-Sectional and Prospective Study of Lung Function In Adults With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study. Diabetes Care 2008 Apr;31(4):741-6. (*with American Diabetes Association press release)
Barone BB, Yeh HC, Snyder CF, Peairs KS, Stein KB, Derr RL, Wolff AC, Brancati FL. Long-term all-cause mortality in cancer patients with preexisting diabetes mellitus: A systematic review and meta-analysis. JAMA. 2008;300[23]:2754-2764
Yeh HC, Duncan BB, Schmidt MI, Wang NY, Brancati FL. Smoking, smoking cessation, and the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus: The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study. Annals of Internal Medicine. 2010 Jan 5;152(1):10-7. PubMed PMID: 20048267.
Miller III ER, Cooper LA, Carson KA, Wang NY, Appel LJ, Gayles D, Charleston J, White K, You N, Weng Y, Martin-Daniels LM, Bates-Hopkins B, Robb I, Franz WK, Brown EL, Halbert JP, Albert MC, Dalcin A, Yeh HC. A dietary intervention in Urban African Americans: Results of The “Five-Plus Nuts and Beans” randomized trial. Am J Prev Med. 2016 Jan;50(1):87-95. doi: 10.1016/j.amepre.2015.06.010. Epub 2015 Aug 29. PubMed PMID: 26321012; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4691550
Appel LJ, Clark JM, Yeh HC, Wang NY, Coughlin JC, Daumit G, Miller ER, Dalcin A, Jerome GJ, Geller S, Noronha G, Pozefsky T, Charleston J, Reynolds JB, Durkin N, Rubin RR, Louis TA, Brancati FL. Accomplishing Weight Loss in Clinical Practice: A Comparative Effectiveness Trial. N Engl J Med. 2011 Nov 24;365(21):1959-68. Epub 2011 Nov 15. PubMed PMID: 22085317.