Departmental Affiliations
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Research Interests
Experiences & Accomplishments
Honors & Awards
Advising, Mentoring and Teaching Recognition Award (AMTRA). Student Assembly. Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. 2003-4.
New and Minority Investigator Award, Fogarty AIDS Training and Research Program, Johns Hopkins University, 1999.
William and Flora Foundation Fellowship, Johns Hopkins Population Center, 1998.
William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship, Dominican Republic, 1997-1998.
Select Publications
Selected publications include:
1. Beyrer, C, Baral, S, Kerrigan, D, El-Bassel, N, Gail Bekker, L, Celentano, DD. Expanding the Space: Inclusion of Most-at-Risk Populations in HIV Prevention, Treatment, and Care Services. Journal of AIDS. In Press. 2011.
2. Lippman, S, Donini, A, Diaz, J, Chinaglia, M, Reingold, A, Kerrigan, D. Social environmental factors are significantly associated with protective sexual behavior among sex workers: the Encontros intervention in Brazil. American Journal of Public Health. 2010 Apr 1;100 Suppl 1:S216-23.
3. Murray, L, Lippman, S. Donini, A, Kerrigan, D. “She’s a professional like anyone else”: Exploring the role of social identity in an HIV/STI prevention project with Brazilian sex workers. Culture, Health, and Sexuality. 2010. Apr; 12 (3): 293-306.
4. Kerrigan, D, Ellen J. Female Gender Ideologies, Socio-Economic Opportunities, and HIV/STI-related Vulnerability among Female, African-American Adolescents. Journal of Urban Health. 2008 Sep; 85 (5):717-26.
5. Lippman, S, Kerrigan, D and Diaz, J. Chaos, co-existence, and the potential for collective action: HIV-related vulnerability in Brazil’s international borders. Soc Sci Med. 2007 Jun;64(12):2464-75.
6. Kerrigan, D, Andrinopoulos, K, Johnson, R, Parham, P, Thomas, Tracey, and Ellen, J. The Struggle to Stay Strong: Gender Role Ideologies among Inner-City, African-American Adolescents and their Implications for HIV Prevention. J Sex Res. 2007 May;44(2):172-80.
7. Malta, M, Bastos, FI, Strathdee, S, Cunningham, S, Pilotto, JH, and Kerrigan, D. Knowledge, perceived stigma, and care-seeking experiences for sexually transmitted infections: a qualitative study from the perspective of public clinic attendees in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. BMC Public Health. 2007 Feb 1; 7-18.
8. Sweat M, Kerrigan D, Moreno L, Rosario S, Gomez B, Jerez H, Weiss E, Barrington C. Cost-Effectiveness of Environmental-Structural Communication Interventions for HIV Prevention in the Female Sex Industry in the Dominican Republic. J Health Commun. 2006 11 Suppl 2:123-42.
9. Andrinopoulos K, Kerrigan D, Ellen JM. Understanding sex partner selection from the perspective of inner-city black adolescents. Perspect Sex Reprod Health. 2006 Sep;38(3):132-8.10. Kerrigan D, Witt S, Glass B, Chung SE, Ellen J. Perceived neighborhood social cohesion and condom use among adolescents vulnerable to HIV/STI. AIDS Behav. 2006 Nov;10(6):723-9.
11. Kerrigan D, Moreno L, Rosario S, Gomez B, Jerez H, Barrington C, Weiss E, Sweat M. Environmental-structural interventions to reduce HIV/STI risk among female sex workers in the Dominican Republic. Am J Public Health. 2006 Jan;96(1):120-5.
12. Kerrigan D, Bastos FI, Malta M, Carneiro-da-Cunha C, Pilotto JH, Strathdee SA. The search for social validation and the sexual behavior of people living with HIV in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: understanding the role of treatment optimism in context. Soc Sci Med. 2006 May;62(10):2386-96.
13. Malta M, Carneiro-da-Cunha C, Kerrigan D, Strathdee SA, Monteiro M, Bastos FI. Case management of human immunodeficiency virus-infected injection drug users: a case study in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Clin Infect Dis. 2003 Dec 15;37 Suppl 5:S386-91.
14. Kerrigan D, Ellen JM, Moreno L, Rosario S, Katz J, Celentano DD, Sweat M. environmental-structural factors significantly associated with consistent condom use among female sex workers in the Dominican Republic. AIDS. 2003 Feb 14;17(3):415-23.
15. Kerrigan, D., Moreno, L., Rosario, S. and Sweat, M. Adapting Successful HIV Prevention Strategies: Developing a 100% Condom Use Programme in the Dominican Republic. Culture, Health and Sexuality. 2001 Volume 3 (2): 221 – 240.