Departmental Affiliations
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Research Interests
- Mental Health
- Mental Hygiene
Experiences & Accomplishments
Select Publications
Journal Article
. Walrath, C.M., Nickerson, K.J., Crowel, R.L., & Leaf, P.J.(1998) Serving children with serious emotional disturbance in a system of care: Do mental health and non-mental health agency referrals look the same? Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, 6, 205-213.
. Walrath, C.M., Mandell, D.S., & Leaf, P.J. (1999) Do children with different referrals sources, diagnoses and demographic profiles respond differently to mental health treatment? Psychiatric Services (under review).
. Walrath, C.M., Sharp, M.J., Zuber, M., Leaf, P.J. (1999) Serving children with serious emotional disturbance in urban systems of care: Referral agency differences in child characteristics in Baltimore and the Bronx. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders (under review).
. Walrath, C.M., Jackson, L.R., Leaf, P.J., Smith-Hill, V. (1999) Feelings of Empowerment when raising children with mental health challenges: African-American custodial grandmothers as compared to biological mothers. The Gerontologist (under review).