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Experiences & Accomplishments
Our research covers four topics:
o Genetic modification of mosquito vectorial capacity o Mosquito-Plasmodium interactions o Gene expression during Plasmodium development in the mosquito o Structure and function of the peritrophic matrix (PM)
Select Publications
Srinivasan P, Coppens I and Jacobs-Lorena M (2008) Distinct roles of Plasmodium Rhomboid 1 in parasite development and malaria pathogenesis. PLoS Pathogens 5(1) e1000262.
Ghosh AK, Devenport M, Jethwaney D, Kalume DE, Pandey A, Anderson VE, Sultan AA, Kumar N and Jacobs-Lorena M (2008) Malaria parasite invasion of the mosquito salivary gland requires interaction between the Plasmodium TRAP and the Anopheles saglin proteins. PLoS Pathogens, 5(1)e1000265.
Dinglasan RR, Devenport M, Florens L, Johnson JR, McHugh CA, Donnelly-Doman, M, Carucci DJ, Yates JR. III and Jacobs-Lorena, M (2008) The Anopheles gambiae adult midgut peritrophic matrix proteome. Insect Biochem. Mol. Biol, in press.
Srinivasan P, Fujioka H and Jacobs-Lorena M (2008) PbCap380, a novel oocyst capsule protein, is essential for malaria parasite survival in the mosquito. Cell. Microbiol. 10:1304-1312.
Li C, Marrelli MT, Yan G and Jacobs-Lorena M (2008) Fitness of transgenic Anopheles stephensi mosquitoes expressing the SM1 peptide under the control of a vitellogenin promoter. J. Hered. 99:275-282.