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Research Interests
- Survey research methods
- patient-reported outcomes
- mental health services research
- health services research
Experiences & Accomplishments
The development and testing of outcome measures for ambulatory medical and mental health care, with emphasis on patient-reported indicators; determining met and unmet needs for services among vulnerable populations (e.g., persons who are mentally or physically disabled, the very old), and identifying factors leading to reducing unmet need for services; and the development and testing of interventions for patients and providers to improve the level of adherence to evidence-based recommendations for the management of severe mental disorders such as schizophrenia.
Select Publications
Lynda C. Burton, Elizabeth A. Skinner, Lori Uscher-Pines, Richard Lieberman, Bruce Leff, Rebecca Clark, QiLu Yu, Klaus Lemke, and Jonathan Weiner. Health of Medicare Advantage Plan Enrollees 1 Year After Hurricane Katrina. The American Journal of Managed Care 2009; 15(1):13-22.
Susan dosReis, Elizabeth Johnson, Donald Steinwachs, Charles Rohde, Elizabeth A. Skinner, Maureen Fahey, Anthony F. Lehman. Antipsychotic treatment patterns and hospitalizations among adults with schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 101:304-311, 2008.
Elizabeth A. Skinner, Gregory B. Diette, Pamela Algatt-Bergstrom, Theresa T.H. Nguyen, Rebecca D. Clark, Leona Markson, Albert W. Wu. The Asthma Therapy Assessment Questionnaire (ATAQ) for Children and Adolescents. Disease Management, 7(4):305-313, 2004.
Gregory B. Diette, Elizabeth A. Skinner, Theresa T.H. Nhuyen, Leona Markson, Becky D. Clark, Albert W. Wu. Comparison of quality of care by specialist and generalist physicians as usual source of asthma care for children. Pediatrics 2001; 108:432-437.
Albert W. Wu, Yuchi Young, Elizabeth A. Skinner, Gregory B. Diette, Michael Huber, Alan Peres, Donald M. Steinwachs. Quality of care and outcomes of adult asthmatics treated by specialists and generalists in managed care. Archives of Internal Medicine 2001; 161(21):2554-2560.