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, PhD


Departmental Affiliations

Krieger School of Arts and Sciences

Center & Institute Affiliations

Sandra Newman, PhD '73, MUP, uses interdisciplinary approaches to study housing and neighborhood effects on children, families, and the dynamics of neighborhood change.

Contact Info

Research Interests

Effects of housing and neighborhoods on children and families; dynamics of neighborhood change
Experiences & Accomplishments
New York University
Sandra Newman, Ph.D. is Professor of Policy Studies at Johns Hopkins University, where she also directs both the Center on Housing, Neighborhoods and Communities at the Hopkins Institute for Health and Social Policy in the Bloomberg School of Public Health. She holds joint professorial appointments with the departments of Sociology and Health Policy and Management.
Newman's interdisciplinary research focuses on the effects of housing and neighborhoods on children and families, and on the dynamics of neighborhood change. Her current research includes studies of the effects of key housing attributes, such as affordability, tenure (owning versus renting), and receipt of housing subsidies on the life outcomes of children and adults, and racial disparities in the effects of the tumultuous 2000 decade on young adult household formation.
Honors & Awards
Principal Investigator of the Housing and Children’s Healthy Development Study; Homer Hoyt Fellow; Miripol-Pfeffer Award in Urban Community Development established in her honor by former student and his family; Former Vice President of the Association for Policy Analysis and Management.
Select Publications
Recent publications
  • Newman, Sandra and C. Scott Holupka (in press). “Housing Affordability and Investments in Children,” Journal of Housing Economics.
  • Newman, Sandra and C. Scott Holupka (2013). “Looking Back to Move Forward in Homeownership Research,” Cityscape, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 235-246.
  • Newman, Sandra and P. Garboden (2013). “Psychometrics of Housing Quality Measurement in the American Housing Survey,” Cityscape, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 293-306.
  • Garboden, Philip and Sandra Newman (2012). “Is Preserving Small, Low-end Rental Housing Feasible?” Housing Policy Debate, Vol. 22, No. 4, pp. 507-526.
  • Holupka, C. Scott and Sandra Newman (2012). "The Effects of Homeownership on Children's Outcomes: Real Effects or Self-Selection?" Real Estate Economics, Vol. 40., No. 3, pp. 566-602.