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, PhD

Assistant Scientist

David W. Sosnowski, PhD, is a developmental psychologist who studies the role of epigenetic modifications in the context of childhood adversity and substance use.

Contact Info

Research Interests

adverse childhood experiences; substance use; epigenetics; resilience

Experiences & Accomplishments
Virginia Commonwealth University
Pennsylvania State University

David W. Sosnowski, PhD, is an Assistant Scientist in the Department of Mental Health. His research broadly centers on understanding the complex biological and social mechanisms linking childhood adversity to health and behavior throughout life and factors that promote resilience in these contexts.

Dr. Sosnowski's research is currently focused on genetic and epigenetic markers of stress-related exposures and substance use disorders, and the role that resilience plays in these associations.

Select Publications

Selected Peer-Reviewed Publications

  • Sosnowski, D. W., Rojo-Wissar, D. M., Peng, G., Parade, S. H., Sharkey, K., Hoyo, C., Murphy, S. K., Hernandez, R. G., & Johnson, S. J. (2024). Maternal childhood adversity and infant epigenetic aging: Moderation by restless sleep during pregnancy. Developmental Psychobiology, 66. e22464.

  • Raghunathan, R. S., Sosnowski, D. W., Musci, R. J., & Johnson, S. B. (2024). A scoping review of positive childhood experiences: Measurement and evidence. Adversity and Resilience Science.

  • Sosnowski, D. W., Rojo-Wissar, D. M., Smail, E., Musci, R. J., & Johnson, S. B. (2022). Expanding on threat and deprivation: Empirical examination of adversity dimensions and psychiatric outcomes among emerging adults. Emerging Adulthood.

  • Sosnowski, D. W., Jaffe, A. E., Tao, R., Deep-Soboslay, A., Kleinman, J. E., Hyde, T. M., Shu, C., Sabunciyan, S., & Maher, B. S. (2022). Differential expression of NPAS4 in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex following opioid overdose. Drug and Alcohol Dependence Reports, 3, 100040.

  • Shu, C., Sosnowski, D.W., Tao, R., Deep-Soboslay, A., Kleinman, J. E., Hyde, T. M., Jaffe, A. E., Sabunciyan, S., & Maher, B. S. (2021). Epigenome-wide analysis of brain DNA methylation following acute opioid intoxication. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 221, 108658.