Departmental Affiliations
Jaime Madrigano, ScD, MPH, does work that emphasizes environmental justice and aims to reduce population-wide environmental health disparities by producing results to inform equitable policies.
Research Interests
Epidemiology; Environmental Health; Air Pollution; Climate Change; Environmental Justice
Additional Links
Experiences & Accomplishments
Harvard School of Public Health
University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey
Stevens Institute of Technology
I am an environmental epidemiologist with a strong interest in policy-oriented, equity-informed research. I feel strongly that climate change is one of the most pressing public health problems of our time and I am committed to research that advances holistic and equitable solutions to protect the public from this growing threat. My research program seeks to understand how environmental pollution and extreme weather, alone and in combination with neighborhood (built and natural environment) and economic factors, influence population health. My work emphasizes environmental justice and aims to reduce population-wide environmental health disparities by producing results to inform equitable policies.
Select Publications
Recent publications:
- Madrigano J, Hernandez CC, Stephenson SR, Youngblood A, Siddiqi SM, Gahlon G, Huttinger A, Chari R, Preston BL, Environmental Racism: A Tool for Exploring the Enduring Legacy of Redlining on Urban Environments. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2022. https://www.rand.org/pubs/tools/TLA1456-1.html
- Siddiqi SM, Mingoya-LaFortune C, Chari R, Preston BL, Gahlon G, Hernandez CC, Huttinger A, Stephenson SR and Madrigano J, “The Road to Justice40: Organizer and Policymaker Perspectives on the Historical Roots of and Solutions for Environmental Justice Inequities in US Cities.” Environmental Justice, 2022 Oct ahead of print. http://doi.org/10.1089/env.2022.0038
- Madrigano J, Shih RA, Izenberg M, Fischbach JR, Preston BL, “Science Policy to Advance a Climate Change and Health Research Agenda in the United States.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021; 18(15), 7868.
- Madrigano J, Petrovic N, Ahmed M, Blum M, Matte T, Lane K, “Awareness, Risk Perception, and Protective Behaviors for Extreme Heat and Climate Change in New York City”. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2018 Jul 7; 15(7)
- Madrigano J, Ito K, Johnson S, Kinney PL, Matte T. “A Case-Only Study of Vulnerability to Heat Wave-Related Mortality in New York City (2000-2011)”. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2015 Jul; 123(7):672-8