Departmental Affiliations
School of Education
Jonathan Links, PhD '83, is interested in public health preparedness and response for all hazards, ionizing radiation, biomarkers, mathematical modeling, and non-invasive medical imaging.
Research Interests
Environmental Health Sciences; imaging; dosimetry; radiation; dirty bombs; nuclear medicine; radiological terror; public health preparedness
Experiences & Accomplishments
Johns Hopkins University
Jonathan M. Links, Ph.D. is a medical physicist, with a B.A. in Medical Physics from the University of California, Berkeley (1977), and a Ph.D. in Environmental Health Sciences (with a concentration in Radiation Health Sciences) from Johns Hopkins University (1983). Dr. Links is currently Professor of Environmental Health & Engineering in the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, with joint appointments in Health Policy & Management, Radiology, Emergency Medicine, Public Safety Leadership, Civil Engineering, and Business. Dr. Links is a member of the Delta Omega National Public Health Honor Society.
Dr. Links directs the Johns Hopkins Center for Public Health Preparedness. He is a past president of the Society of Nuclear Medicine, a 16,000 member professional medical society that deals with the use of radioactivity and radiation in medicine. Dr. Links is currently Baltimore City’s terrorism and pandemic influenza planning expert, working with the Health, Fire, and Police Departments. His interests include public health preparedness and response for all hazards, ionizing radiation, biomarkers, mathematical modeling, and non-invasive medical imaging.
Dr. Links directs the Johns Hopkins Center for Public Health Preparedness. He is a past president of the Society of Nuclear Medicine, a 16,000 member professional medical society that deals with the use of radioactivity and radiation in medicine. Dr. Links is currently Baltimore City’s terrorism and pandemic influenza planning expert, working with the Health, Fire, and Police Departments. His interests include public health preparedness and response for all hazards, ionizing radiation, biomarkers, mathematical modeling, and non-invasive medical imaging.
Honors & Awards
1983 Delta Omega Society
2001 President, Society of Nuclear Medicine
2002 President, JHBSPH Faculty Senate
2006 JHBSPH Golden Apple Award
2012 JHBSPH Stebbins Medal
2001 President, Society of Nuclear Medicine
2002 President, JHBSPH Faculty Senate
2006 JHBSPH Golden Apple Award
2012 JHBSPH Stebbins Medal
Select Publications
Selected preparedness publications
- O. Lee McCabe, Natalie L. Semon, Carol B. Thompson, Jeffrey M. Lating, George S. Everly, Charlene J. Perry, Suzanne Straub Moore, Adrian M. Mosley, Jonathan M. Links. Building a National Model of Public Mental Health Preparedness and Community Resilience: Validation of a Dual-Intervention, Systems-Based Approach. Disaster Med Public Health Preparedness 8: 511-526, 2014
- Everly GS, Barnett DJ, Links JM. The Johns Hopkins Model of Psychological First Aid (RAPID – PFA): Curriculum development and content validation. Int J Emerg Mental Health 14: 95-103, 2012
- Barnett DJ, Thompson CB, Errett NA, Semon NL, Anderson MK, Ferrell JL, Freiheit JM, Hudson R, Koch MM, McKee M, Mejia-Echeverry A, Spitzer J, Balicer RD, Links JM. Determinants of emergency response willingness in the local public health workforce by jurisdictional and scenario patterns: A cross-sectional survey. BMC Public Health 12: 164, 2012
- Li Y, Hsu EB, Links JM. Healthcare system cost evaluation of antiviral stockpiling for pandemic influenza preparedness. Biosecurity Bioterrorism 8: 119-128, 2010
- McCabe OL, Barnett DJ, Taylor HG, Links JM. “Ready, Willing, and Able:” A framework for assessing preparedness. Disaster Med Public Health Preparedness 4: 161-168, 2010
Preparedness and Emergency Response Research Center: Legal and Ethical Assessments Concerning Mental and Behavioral Health Preparedness
Preparedness and Emergency Response Research Center: Supplement
Center for Public Health Preparedness
Development of a Model of Community Functioning during Disasters: The CoPE-WELL Model