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Assistant Scientist

Jennifer Brown, PhD '20, MPH, researches tobacco marketing and compliance with advertisement restrictions globally.

Contact Info

Research Interests

Tobacco control; global health; marketing; tobacco regulatory science; flavored tobacco; menthol tobacco products; public health policy; non-communicable disease; mixed methods

Experiences & Accomplishments
Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health
University of North Carolina Gillings School of Global Health
University of California, Santa Barbara

Jenny Brown (she/her) is an Assistant Scientist in the Department of Health, Behavior and Society at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Dr. Brown's research examines key tobacco marketing themes, the effects of tobacco marketing on consumer perceptions and compliance with tobacco control regulations with a focus on flavored tobacco products. Her research is primarily focused in low- and middle-income countries and utilizes quantitative and qualitative methods.

Dr. Brown received her PhD from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and MPH from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Gillings School of Global Public Health. She previously worked with the World Health Organization and supported efforts in countries in Africa and Southeast Asia to build capacity to regulate novel and emerging nicotine and tobacco products and the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids to support grant review and evaluate grantee progress.

Honors & Awards

Behavioral Research in Heart and Vascular Diseases T32 Predoctoral Fellowship, National Heart, Blood, and Lung Training, National Institutes of Health, 2015 - 2019

Select Publications

Select publications

  • Brown J.L., Smith K., Welding K., Cohen J.E. (2020) Misleading Tobacco Packaging: Moving Beyond Bans on “Light” and “Mild.” Tob Regul Sci, 6(5):369-378. doi:10.18001/TRS.6.5.6

  • Brown J., Zhu M., Moran M., Hoe C., Frejas F., Cohen J.E. (2020) “It has candy. You need to press on it”: Young adults’ perceptions of flavoured cigarettes in the Philippines. Tob Control, doi:10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2019-055524

  • Brown, J. L., Clegg Smith, K., Zhu, M., Moran, M. B., Hoe, C., Cohen, J. E. (2019). Menthol and flavor capsule cigarettes in the Philippines: A comparison of pack design. Tobacco Induced Diseases, 17(November), 76.

  • Brown, J., Welding, K., Cohen, J. E., Cherukupalli, R., Washington, C., Ferguson, J., & Clegg Smith, K.(2017). An analysis of purchase price of legal and illicit cigarettes in urban retail environments in 14 low- and middle-income countries. Addiction, 112(10), 1854–1860.

  • Brown, J., DeAtley, T., Welding, K., Schwartz, R., Chaiton, M., Kittner, D. L., & Cohen, J. E. (2017). Tobacco industry response to menthol cigarette bans in Alberta and Nova Scotia, Canada. Tobacco Control, 26(e1), e71–e74.

Bloomberg Initiative to Reduce Tobacco Use