Departmental Affiliations
Elizabeth C. Lee, PhD, researches the spatial and transmission dynamics of infectious diseases to advance policies for effective and evidence-based disease control.
Research Interests
spatial epidemiology; disease surveillance; cholera; disease dynamics
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Experiences & Accomplishments
Georgetown University
Cornell University
I am interested in characterizing the spatiotemporal dynamics of infectious diseases, applying modeling to public health policy, improving surveillance system design, and understanding the effects of measurement biases on epidemiological inference. The tools I use to answer these questions include: statistical and mathematical models, digital health-associated and behavioral data sources, and interdisciplinary social, ecological, and epidemiological approaches. My current work focuses on mapping and projecting the impact of interventions, including oral cholera vaccination and non-pharmaceutical interventions in the context of COVID-19.
Select Publications
Selected publications:
- Lee EC, Azman AS, Kaminsky J, Moore SM, McKay HS, Lessler J (2019) The projected impact of geographic targeting of oral cholera vaccination in sub-Saharan Africa: A modeling study. PLoS Med 16(12): e1003003. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pmed.1003003
- Lessler J, Moore SM, Luquero FJ, McKay HS, Grais R, Henkens M, Mengel M, Dunoyer J, M'bangombe M, Lee EC, Djingarey MH, Sudre B, Bompangue D, Fraser RSM, Abubakar A, Perea W, Legros D, Azman AS. (2018) Mapping the burden of cholera in sub-Saharan Africa and implications for control: an analysis of data across geographic scales. Lancet 391(10133): 1908-1915. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(17)33050-7
- Lee EC, Asher JM, Goldlust S, Kraemer JD, Lawson AB, Bansal S (2016) Mind the Scales: Harnessing Spatial Big Data for Infectious Disease Surveillance and Inference. J Infect Dis 214(suppl_4): S409–S413. https://doi.org/10.1093/infdis/jiw344
- Ewing A, Lee EC, Viboud C, Bansal S (2017) Contact, travel, and transmission: The impact of winter holidays on influenza dynamics in the United States. J Infect Dis 215(5): 732-739. https://dx.doi.org/10.1093/infdis/jiw642
- Lee EC, Arab A, Goldlust SM, Viboud C, Grenfell BT, Bansal S (2018) Deploying digital health data to optimize influenza surveillance at national and local scales. PLoS Comput Biol 14(3): e1006020. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1006020