Departmental Affiliations
Jennifer L. Glick, PhD, MPH, studies factors that influence health disparities, most frequently in regards to HIV/AIDS among sexual and gender minorities.
Research Interests
Sexual and gender minorities (SGM); Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQ) Health; Transgender health; HIV prevention, treatment and care; Sexual and reproductive health and rights; Intersectionality; Health equity; Health disparities; Social Determinants of Health; Mixed-methods research; Qualitative research; Harm reduction
Experiences & Accomplishments
Tulane University
Tulane University
New York University
My research aims to answer critical questions and inform practice at the intersection of gender, sexuality, and health equity. I am a public health social scientist with a background in anthropology and gender and sexuality studies. While the majority of my training has been in qualitative research methods, I have a robust skill set of theory-informed mixed-methods research talents. I work from an intersectional feminist orientation, prioritizing collaboration, community-engaged approaches, action-oriented interdisciplinary teams, and communicating research to communities. My current research interests include HIV prevention and surveillance; transgender and non-binary health; sexual minority women’s health; sexual orientation, gender identity and expression (SOGIE) measurement; and health seeking behavior and healthcare access.
Honors & Awards
Gustav J. Martin Award for Innovation in HIV Research, JHU-CFAR, 2020
JHU-CFAR Scholar Career Development Award, 2020
JHU-CFAR Scholar Career Development Award, 2020
Select Publications
A selection of publications:
- Glick, J. L., Lim, S., Beckham, W., Tomko, C., Park, J. N., & Sherman, S. (2020). Structural Vulnerabilities and HIV Risk Among Sexual Minority Female Sex Workers (SM-FSW) by Identity and Behavior in Baltimore, MD. Harm Reduction Journal, 17(43). Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1186/s12954-020-00383-2
- Glick, J., Huang, A., Russo, R., Jivapong, B., Rosman, L., Pelaez, D., Footer, K. H., & Sherman, S. (2020). ART Uptake and Adherence Among Women Who Use Drugs Globally: A Scoping Review. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2020.108218
- Glick, J.L., Lopez, A., Pollock, M., & Theall, K. (2020). Housing Insecurity and Intersecting Social Determinants of Health Among Transgender People in the USA: A Targeted Ethnography. International Journal of Transgender Health, 21(3), 337-349. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1080/26895269.2020.1780661
- Glick, JL; Theall, K; Andrinopolous, K; Kendall, C. For Data’s Sake: Dilemmas in the Measurement of Gender Minorities. Culture, Health & Sexuality. 2018. 1-16.
- Glick, JL; Theall, K; Andrinopolous, K; Kendall C. “Tiptoeing Around the System": Alternative Health Care Navigation Among Gender Minorities in New Orleans. Transgender Health. 2018. 3(1), 118-126.
Investigating the role of neighborhood disadvantage in opioid use disparities among women at the intersections of race and sexual orientation
Exploring HIV risk and social support among high-risk sexual minority women (HR-SMW)
CDC National HIV Behavioral Surveillance Project (BESURE): Baltimore Site
Transgender HIV Behavioral Surveillance