Departmental Affiliations
Center & Institute Affiliations
Vadim Dukhanin, MD, MHS’ 15, studies and advocates for patient, caregiver, and public engagement in healthcare delivery, priority setting, and performance management.
Research Interests
patient outcomes; patient experience; patient safety; quality of care; patient and public involvement; patient and care partner engagement; implementation science; program evaluation; performance management; organizational behavior; priority-setting
Experiences & Accomplishments
Vadim Dukhanin, MD, MHS. Dr. Dukhanin is an Assistant Scientist in the Department of Health Policy and Management of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health with more than 10 years of experience of research and consulting in over 25 academic, governmental, and corporate projects. Having a clinical background, Dr. Dukhanin has reformed to specialize in health services and health outcomes research working with patient reported, clinical, and population health data. A dozen of projects in his portfolio includes those aimed to enhance provider payment models (CMS CPC+) and to evaluate aspects of the Medicare Shared Savings ACOs program and the AHRQ Primary Care Medical Home model. His current project aims to evaluate implementation and efficiency of asymmetric performance-based adjustments in the CMS Primary Care First (PCF) model, with the focus on seriously ill patient populations.
Vadim's project portfolio demonstrates his extensive skills in complex data analysis, synthesis, and presentation. He has conducted over a dozen of systematic reviews and scoping literature reviews of studies with diverse subjects and design complexity. Vadim uses quantitative methods to analyze health economics models, cost-effectiveness and cost utility studies, and patient-reported outcomes primary and secondary data. His work equally employs qualitative methods to analyze surveys and focus group and individual expert interviews. Vadim synthesized findings in over a dozen of executive summaries, reports, and scholarly manuscripts and have presented them to various stakeholders.
Vadim has made significant contributions to the research and practice areas of: 1) patient, care partner, and public engagement; 2) patient safety; and 3) social justice considerations. Vadim's research interests include identifying optimal implementation and evaluation methods for translating desired priorities, for instance value-based care, into organizational and individuals’ performance and behaviors. Vadim's special interest in priority-setting relates to patient outcomes and experiences of care quality and safety, and the alignment of these priorities with general pubic perspectives using authentic patient and public engagement. In terms of healthcare practice improvement, Vadim has a passion for exploring the role of payment and performance systems and the use of human resource management policies and other organizational elements.
Honors & Awards
SIDM (Society to Improve Diagnosis in Medicine) Fellowship in Diagnostic Excellence, 2023-2024
Johns Hopkins Diversity Recognition Award, 2022
Finalist, National Academy of Medicine Scholars in Diagnostic Excellence, 2022
Alumni membership, Alpha Chapter of the Delta Omega Honorary Society in Public Health, 2020
CHSOR Directors Award, 2017
Select Publications
Most recent publications:
Dukhanin, V., McDonald, KM., Gonzalez, N., Gleason, KT. Patient Reasoning: Patients' and Care Partners' Perceptions of Diagnostic Accuracy in Emergency Care. Medical Decision Making, November 2023. doi: 10.1177/0272989X231207829
Dukhanin, V., Wiegand, AA., Sheikh, S., Jajodia, A., McDonald, KM. Typology of solutions addressing diagnostic disparities: gaps and opportunities. Diagnosis, July 2024. doi: 10.1515/dx-2024-0026.
Dukhanin, V., Gamper, MJ., Gleason, KT., McDonald, KM. Patient-reported outcome and experience domains for diagnostic excellence: a scoping review to inform future measure development. Quality of Life Research, June 2024. doi: 10.1007/s11136-024-03709-w
Dukhanin, V., Feeser, S., Berkowitz, S.A., & DeCamp M. Who represents me? A patient-derived model of patient engagement via patient and family advisory councils (PFACs). Health Expectations, October 2019. doi: 10.1111/hex.12983
Dukhanin, V., Topazian, R. & DeCamp, M. Metrics and evaluation tools for patient engagement in healthcare organization- and system-level decision-making: a systematic review. International Journal of Health Policy and Management. 2018. doi:10.15171/ijhpm.2018.43