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, ScD, MA

Associate Professor

Bryan Patenaude, ScD ’17, MA, researches the sustainability, efficiency, and equity of public health programs and health systems in low- and lower-middle-income countries.

Contact Info

Research Interests

Economic Evaluation; Equity; Equity Measurement; Social Return-on-Investment; Sustainable Health Financing; Health Systems Strengthening; Vaccines; Infectious Disease; Economic Modeling; Econometrics; Distributional Analysis; Machine Learning; Microsimulation; Agent-Based Models; Behavioral Economics; Public Health Externalities; Causal Inference; HIV/AIDS; Health Workforce Incentive Design; Impact Evaluation; Social Welfare Models

Experiences & Accomplishments
Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
Boston University
Boston College

I am a health economist with research interests in understanding health system financial sustainability, equity, and efficiency in low and lower-middle income countries, applying behavioral economics to the economic evaluation of public health policy, incentive design for the health workforce, and understanding the medium and long-term causal impact of health investments on non-health sectors. I am also interested in the applied topics of innovative health financing and the integration of donor-funded health investments into domestic health systems, particularly with respect to HIV/AIDS, TB, Malaria, and Vaccines.

I have particular policy and research experience in several countries including: Angola, Bangladesh, Botswana, Bhutan, Ethiopia, Guyana, India, Kenya, Namibia, Romania, Rwanda, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, and Vietnam.

I hold a doctoral degree in Global Health Economics from Harvard University, a M.A. in Global Development Economics from Boston University, and a B.A in International Economics from Boston College. Prior to my appointment at Johns Hopkins, I served as the Senior Economist in the Office of HIV/AIDS at USAID.

Honors & Awards

Forbes 30 Under 30 - Healthcare

Select Publications

Selected Publications:

  • Patenaude B, Odihi D, Sriudomporn S, Mak J, Watts E, de Broucker G. A Standardized Approach for Measuring Multi-Dimensional Equity in Vaccination Coverage, Cost-of-Illness, and Health Outcomes: Evidence from the Vaccine Economics Research for Sustainability & Equity (VERSE) Project [Internet]. Rochester, NY: Social Science Research Network; 2021 Oct [cited 2021 Nov 18]. Report No.: ID 3945450. Available from:

  • Patenaude B, Rao KD, Peters DH. An Empirical Examination of the Inequality of Forgone Care in India. Health Syst Reform. 2021 Jul 1;7(2):e1894761.

  • Sim SY, Watts E, Constenla D, Brenzel L, Patenaude BN. Return On Investment From Immunization Against 10 Pathogens In 94 Low- And Middle-Income Countries, 2011-30. Health Aff (Millwood). 2020 Aug;39(8):1343–53.

  • Bowser D, Patenaude B, Bhawalkar M, Duran D, Berman P. Benefit incidence analysis in public health facilities in India: utilization and benefits at the national and state levels. International Journal for Equity in Health. 2019 Jan 21;18(1):13.

  • Patenaude BN, Semali I, Killewo J, Bärnighausen T. The Value of a Statistical Life-Year in Sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence From a Large Population-Based Survey in Tanzania. Value Health Reg Issues. 2019 Sep;19:151–6.

Vaccine Economics Research For Sustainability & Equity (VERSE)
Immunization Financing - Global Analysis
Decade of Vaccine Economics
Decade Of Vaccine Economics IV (field study)