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, MD, PhD, MPH

- Emeritus
Michel Ibrahim

Departmental Affiliations

General Epidemiology and Methodology

Michel Ibrahim, MD, PhD, applies scientific evidence, epidemiologic, and otherwise, to develop practice guidelines and public health policies.

Contact Info

615 N. Wolfe Street, Room E6140

Research Interests

Epidemiology; public health practice; health services; policy; evidence; cardiovascular; Summer Institute; editor; Epidemiologic Reviews
Experiences & Accomplishments
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
University of Cairo School of Medicine
Previous research included identifying coronary heart disease prone families by studying  their adolescents in the 11th-grade class, measuring the psychological consequences of coronary heart disease, conducting the first randomized trial for testing the value of offering group psychotherapy to patients who had suffered  heart attacks, and evaluating joint symptoms after rubella vaccination.
Current researech interests include developing guidelines to determine the risks and benefits of mechanical heart valve replacement surgery, translating epidemiological evidence into policy and practice, and public health practice/health services research.
Honors & Awards
2013 Abraham Lilienfeld Award, American Public Health Association
1997 Rankin Award, North Carolina Public Health Association
1985 Silver Medallion, American Heart Association, North Carolina Affiliate
1982 Bronze Medallion, American Heart Association, North Carolina Affiliate
1979 Achievement Recognition Award, American Heart Association, North Carolina Affiliate
1975 Founder's Award, American Heart Association, North Carolina Affiliate
1975 World Health Organization Fellowship to study the British health system
1974 Delta Omega, Honorary Society for Public Health
1972 Physician's Recognition Award, American Medical Association
Education and Training
1982 Fellow, American College of Epidemiology 1973 FLEX, Federation Licensing Examination for NY State, clinical competence 1971 FLEX, Federation Licensing Examination for NY State, clinical sciences 1968 Fellow, American Public Health Association 1964 Certificate, Educational Council for Medical Graduates 1964 PhD, University of North Carolina School of Public Health, Epidemiology 1961 MPH, University of North Carolina School of Public Health, Biostatistics 1957 MD, University of Cairo School of Medicine (MBBCH)
Professional Experience
2005- Professor, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg school of Public Health 2003- Editor-in-Chief, Epidemiologic Reviews 2002- Dean and Professor Emeritus, University of North Carolina 1997-02 Professor and Director of Health Care Epidemiology, UNC-SPH 1997-01 P.I., Partners in Managing the Health of the Community 1997-02 Director of ERIC (Ed., Epid., Res., and Info. Center), Durham VA grant 1994-2005 Adjunct Professor, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg SPH 1982-97 Dean and Professor, UNC-SPH 1976-82 Chair and Professor, UNC-SPH Department of Epidemiology 1973-02 Professor, UNC-CH Department of Epidemiology 1971-73 Associate Professor, UNC-SPH Department of Epidemiology 1968-71 Health Officer, Erie County Department of Health, Buffalo, NY 1968-71 Associate Professor, State University of NY at Buffalo School of Medicine 1964-68 Assistant Professor, State University of NY at Buffalo School of Medicine 1962-64 Doctoral Fellow, UNC-SPH Department of Epidemiology 1961-62 Research Fellow, UNC School of Medicine 1960-61 Doctoral Fellow, UNC-SPH Department of Biostatistics 1958-60 Intern, Cairo University Hospitals /Ministry of Health Outpatient Unit
International Consultations
1994- Consultant, international epidemiologic studies on artificial heart valve recipients 1992 Consultant, University of Bielefeld, Germany 1988 Consultant, University of Bochum and University of Ulm, Germany 1987 Visiting Professor, Ben Gurion University, Israel 1986 Dozer Professor, Ben Gurion University, Israel 1984 Consultant, Ministry of Health, Kuwait 1980 WHO Consultant, Ben Gurion University, Israel 1980 Consultant, Greifswald University, Germany 1978 Consultant, Ministry of Health and University of Cairo, Egypt 1975 Consultant, Health and Nutrition INCAP, Guatemala
National Consultations and Special Services
2002-04 Consultant, US Department of Justice 2002-03 Consultant, Atlantic Philanthropies 1995-00 Consultant, Harvard Center for Risk Analysis, Harvard University 1994- Member, Supervisory Panel for Heart Valve Research, appointed by federal court 1994 Visiting Professor, School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University 1993-96 Visiting Professor, Pew Scholars Program, University of Michigan 1988-91 Member, National Council on Aging 1969-01 Visiting Professor, Universities of Minnesota and Michigan Summer Program 1987, 1982 Consultant, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism 1982-86 Member, The Aging Review Study Section, National Institute on Aging 1982 Consultant, National Institute for Child Health and Human Development 1978 Consultant, National Institute on Aging 1978, 1977 Consultant, National Institute of Neurological and Communicative Disorders 1976 Visiting Professor, Medical Care Summer Institute, 1972-98 Consultant, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute 1971-73 Consultant, Centers for Disease Control 1970-98 Consultant, National Cancer Institute 1967-69 Consultant, National Center for Chronic Disease Control
Editorial Activities
2003- Editor-in-Chief, Epidemiologic Reviews 1994-96 Editorial Consultant, Aspen Publishers, Inc. 1993-2000 Member, Board of Overseers, American Journal of Epidemiology 1990 Guest Editor, American Journal of Epidemiology 1991;134(10). 1990-92 Editor, American Journal of Public Health 1975-83 Chair, Editorial Board, American Journal of Public Health 1976-03 Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 1984-87 Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Rural Health 1979-95 Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Behavioral Medicine 1979-85 Member, Editorial Board, Family Medicine Review 1967-79 Associate Editor, American Journal of Epidemiology
Select Publications
These are the most recent or relevant publications
  • Harrison DC, Ibrahim MA, et al. The Björk-Shiley Convexo-Concave Heart Valve Experience from the Perspective of the Supervisory Panel. Am J Cardiol 2013;112:1921-1931
  • Carrese J, Ibrahim, MA. Success, regret, and the struggle for balance. Annals of family Medicine 2008;6:171-172
  • Moser M, Kalpana R, Ibrahim M. Epidemiology core competencies for MPH students. Public Health Reports 2008;123 Suppl:59-66
  • Ibrahim MA et al. Population-based health principles in medical and public health practice. J Public Health Manag Pract 2001;7(3):75-81.
  • Ibrahim, MA. Silence is golden? No, lonely. BMJ 2014 (In press)