Departmental Affiliations
School of Medicine
Center & Institute Affiliations
Contact Info
600 N. Wolfe Street, Room 455
Research Interests
High consequence pathogens; emerging infectious diseases; zoonotic diseases; vaccine preventable diseases; infectious diseases in resource poor areas
Experiences & Accomplishments
Uniformed Services University
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
As the Director of the Geographic Medicine Center of the Division of Infectious Diseases, I am able to focus my clinical, public health, research, policy, and educational efforts at the clinical-public health interface both internationally and domestically. As many tropical diseases are either zoonoses or high-consequence pathogens (HCP) --- sometimes both --- global health security and One Health are important facets included in our approach at the Center. My research focuses on these pathogens including examining deliberate and naturally-occurring exposures/outcomes, the epidemiology and control of emerging and reemerging infectious diseases, particularly high consequence infectious diseases; and collaboration on vaccine clinical trials with the Center for Immunization Research. My educational endeavors include co-directing the Infectious Disease Concentration in the Master of Public Health Program at the Bloomberg School of Public Health, co-directing the course "Chemical and Biological Weapons Threats: Science, Public Health, & Policy," and serving as guest faculty in several courses at the School of Public Health. Finally, I provide clinical, educational, and research services as the Associate Medical Director and Director for Research at the Johns Hopkins Hospital Biocontainment Unit (BCU) at the Johns Hopkins Hospital and direct 2 outpatient clinics---one focused on the diagnosis and treatment of tropical diseases and one focused on preparing travelers for short and longer-term sojourns to tropical and semi-tropical areas.
Honors & Awards
Board of Trustees, Center for Excellence in Education
Distinguished Service Medal (U.S. Public Health Service)
Secretary's Distinguished Service Award (U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services)
Vice Presidential Service Medal
Meritorious Service Medal (U.S. Public Health Service)
Outstanding Service Medal (U.S. Public Health Service)
Commendation Medal (U.S. Public Health Service)
Citation (U.S. Public Health Service)
Crisis Response Award (U.S. Public Health Service)
Board of Regents Award for the Outstanding Medical Officer Graduate, Uniformed Services University
Distinguished Service Medal (U.S. Public Health Service)
Secretary's Distinguished Service Award (U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services)
Vice Presidential Service Medal
Meritorious Service Medal (U.S. Public Health Service)
Outstanding Service Medal (U.S. Public Health Service)
Commendation Medal (U.S. Public Health Service)
Citation (U.S. Public Health Service)
Crisis Response Award (U.S. Public Health Service)
Board of Regents Award for the Outstanding Medical Officer Graduate, Uniformed Services University
Select Publications
"Selected Publications from the Last 10 years"
- 1. Paules CI, Gallagher SK, Rapaka RR, Davey RT, Doernberg SB, Grossberg R, Hynes NA, Ponce P, Short WR, Voell J, Wang J, Yang OO, Wolfe CR, Lye DC, Dodd LE, Benson CA. Remdesivir for the prevention of invasive mechanical ventilation or death in COVID-19 --- A post-hoc analysis of the Adaptive COVID-19 Treatment Trial-1 cohort data. Clin Infect Dis 2021 online first (11 Aug 2021). https://doi.org/10.1093/cid/ciab695.
- 2. Tomashek KM, Mehta AK, Hynes NA. Racial disproportionality in Covid clinical trials. New Eng J Med 2020; 383(25):2487-2488. PMID: 33156581 DOI: 10.1056/NEJMc2029374
- 3. Fischer WA 2nd, Hynes NA, Perl TM. Protecting health care workers from Ebola: personal protective equipment is critical but is not enough. Ann Intern Med. 2014 Nov 18;161(10):753-4. doi: 10.7326/M14-1953. PubMed PMID: 25155746.
- 4. Carus WS, Hynes NA. Prioritizing the defense department's response to biological warfare threat agents. Biosecur Bioterr. 2014; 12(6):370-372.
- 5. Hynes NA. Dengue: A reemerging concern for travelers. Cleve Clin J Med. 2012 Jul;79(7):474-82. doi: 10.3949/ccjm.79a.11048. PubMed PMID: 22751631.