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Summer Rosenstock

Departmental Affiliations

Social and Behavioral Interventions

Center & Institute Affiliations

Contact Info

415 N. Washington Street, Room 441

Research Interests

My research interests are focused on understanding how biological, environmental, and social determinants interact to impact health and disparities in underserved populations.    racial health disparities;gender preference;maternal health;neonatal health;child health;nutrition;childhood obesity;type II diabetes;STIs/HIV/AIDS;epigenetics
Experiences & Accomplishments
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Dr. Summer Rosenstock is a behavioral health epidemiologist with extensive training in behavior change theory, infectious disease epidemiology, global health, and quantitative methods. She joined the Johns Hopkins Center for American Indian Health in 2014, providing methodological and statistical analysis expertise. She also serves on the faculty of the Social Behavioral Interventions Program in the Department of International Health, through which she has enjoyed teaching and mentoring students. Over the course of her career, Dr. Rosenstock has had the opportunity to live and work on three continents across a broad spectrum of topics. Her research interests are focused on understanding how biological, environmental, and social determinants interact to impact health and disparities in underserved populations. She enjoys applying rigorous statistical methods to complex public health problems, and is passionate about presenting actionable data in an approachable way that can be used to incite change. Some of her work has included maternal/neonatal/child health (Nepal, Indonesia, and Bangladesh), nutrition/childhood obesity/type II diabetes (Indonesia, Chicago and Native American populations in the US), STIs/HIV/AIDS (Togo and Native American populations in the US), HIV Voluntary Counseling and Testing (Togo), malaria (Togo and Indonesia), infectious disease surveillance (Egypt), and mental health and binge substance use (Native American populations in the US). She currently leads research on prevention of early childhood obesity and early origins of disease.
Dr. Rosenstock received her B.A. in Biochemistry from Whittier College (2000), followed by an MHS (2002) and PhD (2010) in International Health: Global Disease Epidemiology and Control from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Honors & Awards
Phi Beta Kappa (2011) 

Delta Omega (2016)

Excellence in teaching recognition (2016-2018, 2019-2022)

Recipient of NIH Training Grant through the Center for Clinical Trials at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health: 2006 – 2010

Certificate of Appreciation: “In recognition of your dedication and commitment to Public Health and the advancement of Minorities within the Health Professions.” Presented by University of Illinois, Chicago at the 6th Annual Minority Health in the Midwest Conference – “Innovative Approaches for Building Health Equity”: Feb 2014
Select Publications
These publications were selected to provide a sampling of the topics I work on.
  • Rosenstock S, Katz J, Mullany LC, Khatry SK, LeClerq SC, Darmstadt GL, Tielsch JM. Sex differences in neonatal mortality in Sarlahi, Nepal: The role of biology and environment. J Epidemiol Community Health. 1 Dec 2013;67(12):986-91. doi: 10.1136/jech-2013-202646. Epub 19 Jul 2013.
  • Rosenstock S, Whitman S, West J, Balkin M. Racial disparities in diabetes mortality in the 50 most populous US cities. J Urban Health. Oct 2014;91(5):873-85. doi: 10.1007/s11524-013-9861-4. Epub Feb 2014.
  • Chambers RA, Rosenstock S, Neault N, Kenney A, Richards J, Begay K, Blackwater T, Laluk O, Duggan C, Reid R, Barlow A. A Home-Visiting Diabetes Prevention and Management Program for American Indian Youth: The Together on Diabetes Trial. Diabetes Educ. 8 Oct 2015. Pii: 0145721715608953. [Epub ahead of print]
  • Rosenstock S, Ingalls A, Foy Cuddy R, Neault N, Littlepage S, Cohoe L, Nelson L, Yazzie K, Yazzie S, Alikhani A, Reid R, Kenney A, Barlow A. Effect of a home-visiting intervention to reduce early childhood obesity among Native American Children: A randomized clinical trial. JAMA Pediatr. 2021 Feb 1;175(2):133-142. doi: 10.1001/jamapediatrics.2020.3557. Epub 9 Nov 2020.
  • Tingey L, Chambers R, Patel H, Lee S, Littlepage S, Lee A, Susan D, Melgar L, Slimp A, Rosenstock S. Prevention of sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy prevention among Native American youth: A randomized controlled trial, 2016-2018. AJPH. 16 Sept 2021 [eprint ahead of pub]. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2021.306447.