Departmental Affiliations
Beth McGinty, PhD '13, MS, studies how public policies affect mental health and substance use.
Contact Info
624 N. Broadway, Hampton House 359
Research Interests
mental illness;
substance use;
disability policy;
social policy;
implementation science;
Additional Links
Experiences & Accomplishments
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Columbia University Teachers College
West Chester University
West Chester University
Dr. Beth McGinty conducts mixed-methods research characterized by the integration of approaches from the fields of public policy and implementation science. Key areas of interest include scale-up of complex interventions, strategies to account for implementation in econometric policy evaluations, and communication strategies to support uptake of evidence-based policies. Examples of how Dr. McGinty applies these areas of interest include the study of multi-faceted strategies to facilitate scale-up of interventions to reduce premature mortality among people with serious mental illness within and across complex service systems; analyses of the implementation and outcomes of state drug policies; and study of how communication strategies influence public stigma toward, and support for policies that benefit, people with mental health or substance use conditions. At Johns Hopkins, Dr. McGinty teaches the course Social Policy for Vulnerable Populations and serves as the Co-Director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Mental Health and Addiction Policy. She also Co-Directs the Johns Hopkins ALACRITY Center for Health and Longevity in Mental Illness. Dr. McGinty is a core faculty member of the NIH Implementation Research Institute. She earned her PhD in Health and Public Policy from the Department of Health Policy and Management at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in 2013, a MS in Health and Behavior Studies from Columbia University in 2006, and a BA in Literature and BS in Kinesiology from West Chester University in 2004.
Honors & Awards
NIDA Implementation Research Institute (IRI) Core Faculty, 2021-
United National Technical Consultation Panel on Stigma Reduction and Drug Use, 2020
Johns Hopkins University President's Frontier Finalist Award, 2019
NIMH Implementation Research Institute (IRI) Fellow, 2017-2019
Maryland Healthcare Commission Research Fellow, 2011-2013
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Sommer Scholar, 2009-2013
United National Technical Consultation Panel on Stigma Reduction and Drug Use, 2020
Johns Hopkins University President's Frontier Finalist Award, 2019
NIMH Implementation Research Institute (IRI) Fellow, 2017-2019
Maryland Healthcare Commission Research Fellow, 2011-2013
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Sommer Scholar, 2009-2013
Select Publications
Recent publications:
- McGinty EE, Tormohlen KN, Barry CL, Bicket MC, Rutkow L, Stuart EA (2021). Mixed-methods study of how implementation of U.S. state medical cannabis laws affects treatment of chronic non-cancer pain and adverse opioid outcomes. Implementation Science, 16(1): 1-13.
- McGinty EE, Presskreischer R, Anderson KE, Han H, Barry CL (2020). Psychological distress and COVID-19 related stressors reported in a longitudinal cohort of U.S. adults in April and July 2020. Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), 324(24): 2555-2557.
- McGinty EE, Murphy KA, Dalcin AT, Stuart EA, Wang NY, Dickerson F, Gudzune K, Jerome G, Thompson D, Cullen BA, Gennusa J, Kilbourne AM, Daumit GL (2020). A Model for Advancing Scale-Up of Complex Interventions for Vulnerable Populations: The ALACRITY Center for Health and Longevity in Mental Illness. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 36(2) 500-505.
- McGinty EE, Barry CL (2020). Stigma Reduction to Combat the Addiction Crisis — Developing an Evidence Base. New England Journal of Medicine, 382 (14), 1291-1292.
- McGinty EE, Daumit GL (2020). Integrating Mental Health and Addiction Treatment into General Medical Care: The Role of Policy. Psychiatric Services, 71(11), 1163-1169. *Keynote paper for ‘Caring for People with Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders in Primary Care Settings: A Workshop of the Forum of Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders of the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine,’ June 2020.